What file types are supported for background layers in the standalone platform?

Product(s):WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, StormCAD, SewerCAD, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, PondPack, HAMMER
Version(s):10.00.xx.xx, 08.11.xx.xx
Area:Layout and Data Input


What file types are supported for background layers for the standalone platform for the water or storm-sewer products?


Backgrounds can be added using the Background Layers manager, from View > Drawing Views > Backgrounds

The supported file types include:

Bing Maps

Starting with CONNECT Edition Update 1, Bing Maps can also be added directly in the Background Layers manager: How to add background aerial and road map images to your model

World file support for background images

Some image formats support associated world files, starting with the CONNECT Edition release. When attaching a background image file that has an associated world file present, the image will now be spatially located automatically (ie. georeferenced).

Currently the following file formats support an associated world file:

The World file extension is based on the image's extension. One convention is to use the first and last letter of the image's extension and add a "w" (eg. .jpg>.jgw). Another convention is to append the image's extension with a "w" (eg. .jpg, .jpgw).

When opening the file, the Image Properties dialog will automatically enter the coordinates from the World file in the editable  (Drawing) fields.


See Also

MrSid files are not available as a background layer type
Consuming ContextCapture production files within your hydraulic model