Academic book software, licensing and solution guide

Product(s): WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, HAMMER, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, StormCAD, CivilStorm, PondPack, CulvertMaster, FlowMaster
Area: Installation & Licensing

Bentley has published the following books on hydraulic and hydrology, most of which include academic versions of Bentley software:

Electronic versions of these books are available at no extra cost to Bentley subscribers here (scroll down to the eBooks section)

Physical versions of the books can be purchased through Amazon (U.S., Canada and Mexico):

Academic Software Package

Most Bentley water books include academic software. In some cases the software may not be included or you may not be able to use it (for example if your computer does not have a DVD drive.)

Starting in November, 2020, a new online delivery process is available, to access the academic licenses and software downloads for the software included in your book. See further below for details on the feature levels (ex: maximum number of pipes) included with these academic licenses.

If you have a recent edition of the book (check this for the latest) and you do not have a registration key as an insert in the book, please contact for a registration key that enables you to access academic software for the respective book. Please be sure to note the exact book and edition that you have. The instructions for using the registration key can be found here: OpenFlows Academic Book Software Installation and Licensing

If the book is an old edition with old software versions - purchase a newer version of the book (see Amazon link above). Note that the latest edition of some books may still include an outdated software package version. You can also contact our sales department for more information:

For the book "Water Supply and Wastewater Removal", you can access the WaterGEMS download from the publisher's website. From the students section, select "Browse by resource". WaterGEMS, SewerCAD, and StormCAD are all included with the book. The site activation key can be found at the back of the book. Note that this is for older versions of the products, so it may be better to acquire our Water or Sewer book with its included license, providing access to the latest versions.

For the book "Floodplain Modeling with HEC-RAS', the only software included was HEC-RAS, which is not a Bentley product. You can download the latest version of HEC-RAS from the USACE website here (no license/activation required):  

For the book "Computer Applications in Hydraulic Engineering" (CAiHE), you can contact as mentioned above, to obtain access to the latest academic software package versions (and use the instructions here).

For other books - some include very old versions of the software with embedded academic licensing. We strongly recommend purchasing a newer edition (if the edition you have is old), or contact as mentioned above.

Academic Licenses

The following tables list the academic license feature levels available as of November, 2020. Commercial use of these licenses is prohibited and a watermark will appear on all figures.

Computer Applications in Hydraulic Engineering

Product Feature Level
WaterGEMS 25 Pipes
HAMMER 5 Pipes
SewerGEMS 25 Pipes
SewerCAD 25 Pipes
StormCAD 10 Inlets
PondPack 1 Pond
FlowMaster N/A
CulvertMaster N/A

Stormwater Conveyance Modeling and Design

Product Feature Level
StormCAD 10 Inlets
PondPack 1 Pond
FlowMaster N/A
CulvertMaster N/A

Advanced Water Distribution Modeling and Management

Product Feature Level
WaterGEMS 25 Pipes

Wastewater Collection System Modeling and Design

Product Feature Level
SewerGEMS 25 Pipes

Floodplain Modeling using HEC-RAS

HEC-RAS - see further above

Instructor's Solution Guide

If you are a professor, solution guides for the first five books in the list at the top of this article are available by contacting Bentley Technical Support. These have the answers to the problems in the book.

For the book "Water Supply and Wastewater Removal", you can access the solution manuals from the publisher's website. Click the "for instructors" link, click "visit companion site" under "instructor resources", click "browse by chapter" > chapter #, then click "solutions manual".

See Also

Hydraulics and Hydrology Product Licensing (Activation) FAQs and Troubleshooting [TN]

OpenFlows Academic Book Software Installation and Licensing

(Blog post) Books