How to save model plan view to an image or CAD file

 Product(s):Bentley WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, StormCAD, CivilStorm, PondPack
 Version(s):V8i, CONNECT Edition
 Area:Output and Reporting


Is there a way to save the model plan view as an image file such as JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PDF or a CAD drawing such as a DXF or DWG?


There are a few options:

Export Print Preview to Image

Open the preview window by going to File > Print Preview. From the preview window, go to File > Export Document > Image File. You
will be able to save the file as a number of different image types.

Export to DXF

Go to File > Export > DXF. Then, open the DXF file in another application such as MicroStation or AutoCAD and export from there.


Use the PrintScreen / PrtSc button on your keyboard to take a screenshot of the plan view, then open an image editing application such as Microsoft Paint, paste, crop as needed, then save as an image file.


Once exported via the Export Document tool, you can open the generated file in an image editor and export it to PDF format.

See Also

Poor quality when printing to PDF