Assign elements and annotations to specific levels when a project is attached to a DGN in MicroStati

Applies To 
Product(s):WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, HAMMER, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, StormCAD, CivilStorm, PondPack
Version(s):CONNECT Edition, V8i
Environment: MicroStation
Area: Layout and Data Input


When using an OpenFlows product integrated with MicroStation, and attaching a project, all project elements and annotations are placed on the active level.

Can the different elements and their associated annotations be assigned to specific MicroStation levels?


The process below is described for WaterGEMS, but it can be applied to any products listed above.


The Element Levels Dialog can be used to assign elements and annotations to specific levels when a project is attached to a DGN in MicroStation.

Three different methods to accomplish this are outlined below.

Method 1 (Good): Create levels in the DGN only

Notes on this method:


  1. Create levels in the DGN
    1. Go to, Settings > Levels > Manager
    2. Click the New icon
    3. Repeat for all levels
  2. Assign the WaterGEMS elements and their associated annotations to the MicroStation Levels
    1. Open the Element Levels dialog. Go to, WaterGEMS menu > View > Element Levels…
    2. Use the pulldown menus to assign levels to the elements and their associated annotations
    3. Click OK
  3. Attach the WaterGEMS project. Go to, WaterGEMS menu > Project > Attach Existing…

Method 2 (Better): Create and attach a level library to a DGN

Notes on this method:


  1. Open a new DGN
  2. Create levels in the DGN
    1. Go to, Settings > Levels > Manager
    2. Click the New icon
    3. Repeat for all levels
  3. Open the DGN the WaterGEMS project will be attached to
  4. Open the Level Manager (Settings > Level > Manager) and attach the level library (Levels > Library > Attach)
  5. Assign the WaterGEMS elements and their associated annotations to the MicroStation Levels
    1. Open the Element Levels dialog
      Go to, WaterGEMS menu > View > Element Levels…
    2. Use the pulldown menus to assign levels to the elements and their associated annotations
    3. Click OK
  6. Attach the WaterGEMS project. Go to, WaterGEMS menu > Project > Attach Existing…

Method 3 (Best): Use a seed file to create a new DGN

Note on this method:


  1. Open a new DGN
  2. Create levels in the DGN
    1. Go to, Settings > Levels > Manager
    2. Click the New icon
    3. Repeat for all levels
  3. Assign the WaterGEMS elements and their associated annotations to the MicroStation Levels
    1. Open the Element Levels dialog. Go to, WaterGEMS menu > View > Element Levels…
    2. Use the pulldown menus to assign levels to the elements and their associated annotations
    3. Click OK. The MicroStation levels assigned to the WaterGEMS elements and their associated annotations will be retained by the DG
  4. Create a new DGN using the DGN just configured as a seed file
    1. Go to, File > New
    2. Click the Browse button
    3. Navigate to and select the seed file just created
    4. Click Open
    5. Enter a file name
    6. Click Save. The file will contain all levels created in the seed file and the Element Levels will be set as specified in the seed file

Set Element Levels before attaching project

The element levels must be set before attaching the project for the elements and annotations to be assigned as specified in the Element Levels dialog. Otherwise, the project can be detached and attached again for the levels to be placed according to the Elements Levels dialog.

Can the pipe and flow arrows be assigned to separate levels?

The flow arrows are assigned to the same level as the pipes and can't be assigned to a separate level.

If a WaterGEMS project is attached to a DGN using WaterGEMS for MicroStation, and then the DGN is opened in MicroStation (without WaterGEMS integrated), the flow arrows will not display.

The best way to control the display of the flow arrows is by using WaterGEMS, or WaterGEMS for MicroStation. In the Element Symbology dialog you can double-click on pipe set the "Show Flow Arrows" field.

Now that I’ve assigned elements to levels, how do I work with level filters?

Level filters are MicroStation functionality. Please see:

How to create a level filter showing none library levels - MicroStation Wiki

How to filter levels by numbers - MicroStation Wiki

How to turn on/off display/freeze of Levels based on filter names - MicroStation Wiki

See Also

Help: Element Levels Dialog

How to display flow arrows in OpenFlows products