Missing toolbars when running WaterGEMS or SewerGEMS within the ArcMap environment

Product(s):WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, HAMMER
Version(s):CONNECT Edition


After integrating an OpenFlows product with ArcMap, the toolbars for the OpenFlows products are not available, or the toolbar icons may appear as missing.


First, right-click in the ArcMap window toolbar area (the gray space above the drawing) to see if the toolbars are available. In the menu that opens see if the OpenFlows product toolbars are listed. The toolbar names will begin with the product name (i.e., WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, or HAMMER).

The screenshot below shows the toolbar menu with the SewerGEMS and WaterGEMS toolbar options shown. If the toolbars are not available see the troubleshooting steps below. If the toolbars are available simply click on the desired toolbar to turn it on.

If the toolbars are not listed try the following troubleshooting steps:

First, close WaterGEMS and ArcMap and try running the Integration tool. On the Windows Start bar search for "Integrate WaterGEMS with ArcMap...", right-click that command and choose "Run as Administrator".

If that didn't work, close WaterGEMS and ArcMap and open the Windows Control Panel. Go to Programs and Features and highlight the OpenFlows product in the list. Click the Uninstall button. This will open a new dialog with an option to Repair. Click Repair..

If that didn't work, the issue may be related to the registration or installation of the toolbar .ecfg files (located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.8\Configuration\CATID\). The filenames will include the name of the OpenFlows product (e.g., for WaterGEMS, the files will be named haestad.watergems.arcgis.ecfg and haestad.watergems.arcgis.ui.ecfg). If the size of these files is very small (e.g., about 1 kb) they are likely invalid. 

You can find the copies of the .ecfg files here:

WaterGEMS for ArcMap ECFG files
SewerGEMS for ArcMap ECFG files
HAMMER for ArcMap ECFG files

You can copy this and replace the files of the same name at the following location on your computer: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.8\Configuration\CATID\

You can also contact Bentley's Global Technical Support team for assistance in updating these files. Note; Even if the files are not very small in size, it may be worth contacting support to try updating them.

Note that version 23.XX.XX.XX (and higher) of the OpenFlows products will improve the integration process so that this issue is less likely to occur.

See Also

Troubleshooting ArcMap Integration