What is the asterisk "*" column mean in relation to alternatives?

Applies To
Product(s):WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, HAMMER, CivilStorm, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, StormCAD, PondPack
Version(s):08.11.XX.XX and higher
Original Author:Scott Kampa, Bentley Technical Support Group


What is the asterisk "*" column mean when looking at an alternative?


The check mark in the "*" column indicates that the information in that is local to that alternative. In other words, it indicates that some of the data for that element has been changed and now all the related data for that element is no longer inherited from the base alternative. If you look at the bottom of the alternative dialog, you will see a key as to what these mean. If there is no check mark, all data for the element was inherited from the base or parent alternative. (Inherited records are dynamic. If the record is changed in the parent, the change is reflected in the child.) If there is a check mark, something has changed in the child scenario. If the column is shaded in yellow, this indicates that it is the base alternative. 

If for example you create and use a new child alternative, then make a change to the model data related to that alternative, the respective element row in the alternative will be marked as local. So, any changes to that element in the parent alternative will not cascade (be inherited by) the child, for the type of model data stored in that particular alternative.

If you need to change inheritance for a group of elements, right click one of the column headers in the alternative, choose Filter, set up the filter criteria, apply the filter, then right click on the '*' column header, choose Global Edit and turn it on or off for the group of elements, as needed.

If you have a selection set that is not based on a query (and so cannot use the filter function), consider creating a User Data Extension (UDX), filter the element type's flextable on selection set, global edit that UDX to some unique value, then you will be able to use the filter feature in the alternative to query based on that UDX field.

For more information on scenarios and alternatives, see the Scenario and Alternative Management TechNote