How to add background aerial and road map images to your model

Product(s):WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, HAMMER, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, StormCAD, CIvilStorm
Version(s):08.11.XX.XX and 10.XX.XX.XX
Area:Layout and Data Input

Problem Description

How to attach background images or use aerial imagery from another source (ie. Google Earth, Bing Maps, ArcGIS, WMS Server)


There are several methods you can use to include street maps and aerial imagery in you your model:

These methods are explained below.


Option 1: Using Bing Maps (Standalone Platform)

Starting with the CONNECT Edition Update 1 release (10.01.XX.XX), Bing Maps can be added directly from the background layers manager (active internet connection required), with the ability to align to the model with up to three points of reference. See more here: Using Bing Maps as a Background 

Option 2: Using Google Earth (Standalone Platform)

*Please note that this solution was created based on the Google Earth application that was current at the time of the making of the video. It may not be the exact solution for future versions of Google Earth. 

Note: you may need to watch this video in full screen mode in order to see it clearly.

Note: if you are actually looking to import network elements drawn in Google Earth, see: Importing model network information from a Google Earth KMZ file

Option 3: Using a General Image File (Standalone Platform)

See the following article for assistance with attaching a background image using the tools in standalone platform.

Inserting an aerial image background layer in the correct location

Option 4: Using the MicroStation Platform (WMS Server, Raster)

See the following articles for assistance with attaching a background image using the tools in the MicroStation platform.

Attach a Map Layer from a WMS Server

How to attach Image (Raster) to design model

Capture Google Earth Images Using Placemark Monuments

Option 5: Using the ArcMap Platform

To use an interactive map as a background layer in ArcMap go to File >  "Add Data" > "Add Data from ArcGIS Online" and sign in to the website if necessary.

Option 6: Using the AutoCAD Platform

Information for using the AutoCAD platform to attach images can be found by searching the internet.

See Also

Blog Post: Easily add and align hydraulic models to Bing Maps

Inserting an aerial image background layer in the correct location

Help Topic: Using a Google Earth View as a Background Layer to Draw a Model

How do I create a .KMZ Google Earth file out of my model?

Attach a Map Layer from a WMS Server

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