GPV or Turbine not following head vs. flow curve with 2.2 solver version

Product(s):WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, HAMMER


When using a General Purpose Valve (GPV), Turbine or Orifice-Between-Pipes (orifice) element with the version 2.2 solver (available starting with CONNECT Edition Update 4), the calculated headloss is very large and does not follow the GPV headloss curve.


This was a known issue (reference # 1007829) with version when using the 2.2 solver version (selected in the calculation options).

This has been fixed for the 2023 release ( and the fix will be in higher versions as well. For information on upgrading, see:

If you are unable to upgrade and must stay on version, a workaround is to select the earlier solver from the Engine Compatibility field in the calculation options (Home > Options), such as WaterGEMS 2.0.012.

See Also

Forum Post 1

Forum Post 2

How can I model a backflow preventer?