How to copy data from a profile or graph and retain column headers

 Product(s):WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD, PondPack, SewerCAD, HAMMER, WaterCAD
 Version(s):CONNECT Edition, V8i
 Area:Output and Reporting


How can I copy graph or profile data so it can be pasted into an external application like Excel?

Solution #1 - Data Tab

In a graph (right click on an element and choose Graph, select the desired attribute) or Profile, click the Data tab in the upper-left corner and click the "Copy" button. Paste into Excel or another external application and you should see the Column Headers as well as the Data.

Solution #2 - Chart Options

  1. Open the profile or graph.
  2. Click the Chart Options icon, or right-click and select Chart Options.
  3. Select the Data section.
  4. Click in one of the data cells and select all values (Ctrl+A), or click on a row header and drag.
  5. Copy the data (Ctrl+C).
  6. Open Excel (or the application you want the data pasted into), select a cell, and paste the data (Ctrl+V).

See Also

Copy and paste (import or export) tabular data

How can you export a profile into another format?