Error when using Access database or Spreadsheet with ModelBuilder, SCADAConnect or Inroads import

Product(s): WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, HAMMER, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, StormCAD, CivilStorm
Version(s): 08.11.XX.XX and higher
Area: Other



When working with a spreadsheet or Access Database file in ModelBuilder or SCADAConnect, one of the following errors appears:

"External Component has thrown an exception"

"The data source is unavailable or invalid"

This may also occur when trying to import or export Inroads SDB: "Inroads Drainage file is currently in use or is invalid"


This error has been known to occur if there are problems with the version(s) of the Microsoft Access Database Engine (ADE) component installed on your computer. This is a separate component installed in Windows, which is relied upon to work with spreadsheets and Access database files.

For version 10.02.00.XX and greater, the installer will attempt to first install the 64-bit version of ADE, then the 32-bit version. This is the proper order of installation and enables you to connect to Access and Excel data sources in both the 32-bit and 64-bit version of the OpenFlows product. However, the installer may not be able to install these components in the right order if you already have one or more version installed (for example as part of Microsoft Office). Additionally, older versions only installed the 32-bit Access Database Engine.

A note on old Inroads SDB files

Please see: Error message when importing InRoads SDB: "InRoads Drainage file is currently in use or is invalid"


To resolve this, the proper Access Database Engine versions need to be installed in the proper order. Details can be found here:

ModelBuilder/SCADAConnect error: Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 64-bit is required to access

Required versions of Microsoft Access Database Engine (ADE)

See Also

What version of Office am I using?