"File not found" message when trying to open or save a model file

 Applies To 
 Product(s):StormCAD, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD,  CivilStorm, WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, Flowmaster, HAMMER
 Version(s):08.11.XX.XX and later
 Area: Modeling

Error or Warning Message

When trying to open a model files, a message is displayed that that file could not be found that appears to point toward the temp directory. The message is similar to:

C:\Users\(user name)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\xxxxxxx\model.stsw.sqlite

How to Avoid

First, make sure that you have both the starter file (.wtg or .stsw) and the database file (.wtg.sqlite or .stsw.sqlite). The database file is required to open the model. With version 10.01.XX.XX and later, the simplest way to assure that all files needed to open the model is to go to File > Save to Package. This will create a zip file with all of the files needed to open the model.

This issue can also occur when the model file is not completely downloaded to an accessible drive, such as the local hard drive. First, browse to where the model is saved and make sure the files are not read-only and that they are available. If the models are saved to a network drive, try copying them to the local hard drive and opening them from there.  It might also be helpful to clean out your %TEMP% folder and then try opening the model.

If that doesn't work, try importing the database file into a new model file by opening the program and then selecting File > Import > StormCAD (or other program name) database.