What's New in WaterGEMS and WaterCAD CONNECT Edition Update 3 - Build

Product(s):WaterCAD, WaterGEMS


CONNECT Edition Update 3 version of WaterGEMS and WaterCAD introduces improvements and features to help you be more successful.

Table of Contents

Improved review of Affected Customer Meters with Pipe Shutdown Event

Improvements to the Pipe Shutdown Event in WaterGEMS SCADAConnect Simulator includes the addition of an ID column in the Affected Customer Meters table and a Select Elements in Drawing button where you can quickly view affected elements. To access these, right-click on a Pipe Shutdown event and choose Compute Event Outage. The outage segment for the pipe shutdown will be highlighted and a table will be generated with the affected elements. 

Signal-based Daily Demand Adjustments

Source and Signal options have been added to the Demand Adjustments in SCADAConnect Simulator. This enables you to be more flexible in choosing whether to manually adjust demands or populate them from a signal. When you open the Demand Adjustments, you can now choose a source, either User Defined or Signal. If Signal is selected, you will be able to choose from the available SCADA Signals available for the model. The closest available signal value to the start time of the simulation will be displayed and used in the Value field.

Formula-Derived SCADA Signals

In addition to the raw signal data directly pulled from the data source, there are now derived signals which take raw signals from the same data source and transform them based on a user defined formula. This makes it easier for you to bring in signal data exactly the way you want. These Derived Signals, once created, work like raw signals when setting up SCADA Elements.

To create a derived signal, you can right-click on the “Derived” node under the data source which contains the raw signals, then select “New” or right-click the signal you want to derive from and select “Create derived signal from..."

In the dialog that opens, you can enter a label and select the transformation method (Formula or Override).

Enhancements to Change Tracking

The ability to archive change tracking data has been added. This can help with situations where including change tracking data may otherwise increase the size of the model's database file to a great extent. (for example the .SQLITE file could grow to many gigabytes in size)

Enhancements to Crossing Pipes Query

The Crossing Pipes query in Network Navigator has been enhanced to accommodate different types of pipes. If you open the Crossing Pipes query in Network Navigator, you will see options for All Links (which will analyze all pipes and laterals), Current Selection (which will only analyze links already selected in the drawing), Pipes (which will analyze only pipes), and Laterals (which will analyze only laterals). 

Improved GIS-ID based ModelBuilder Importing

Improvements have been made to ModelBuilder imports using GIS-ID, which will make creating and updating models based on GIS-ID easier and more successful.

Irrigation Designer Tool

An Irrigation Designer tool is included, which can provide initial pipe size estimates for dendritic (tree-like) networks. These types of networks are common in irrigation system. This tool uses a command line executable taking input from a hydraulic model and updating pipe diameters in order to meet specified hydraulic constraints. For more details on what this tool does and how to use it, see the file named "Haestad.DendriticDesigner.Runner User Guide.pdf" in the root of your WaterGEMS installation folder)

Compatible Platforms and Operating Systems

Compatible Operating Systems

Supported Platforms:

See: Platform Compatibility

Model Compatibility

Models saved in older versions of WaterGEMS and WaterCAD can be opened in other 10.03.XX.XX releases.

See also: Model backward / forward compatibility

Stability enhancements and fixes to reported issues

As with all new versions, this release of WaterGEMS and WaterCAD includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.

See Also [Top of Page]

WaterGEMS and WaterCAD TechNotes and FAQs

Downloading OpenFlows / Hydraulics and Hydrology Software

Software installation order

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