Product(s): | WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, Hammer, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, CivilStorm, StormCAD, PondPack |
Version(s): | 08.11.XX.XX and higher |
How can I share a hydraulic model with someone who does not have the OpenFlows software, so that they can view the input and results? (or internally view a model without incurring usage?)
Is there a way to provide a model to someone out in the field, so they can use a tablet to see the model in plan view and input data for elements (eg. install date)?
In previous versions, the i-model export functionality could be used alongside Bentley View to accomplish this (in part). The i-model export functionality is no longer available as of version 10.04.XX.XX and later. As of August 2023, a more direct solution for this (for example a web-based model viewer) is currently being evaluated for a future release.
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It would be awesome if we had a web-based model viewer just to share the results of the models, like pressure zones or headlosses. It would be an huge step for us, we also could use it just to make checks like diameters or connections, since not everyone here has GIS or CAD software. It would be mainly to support operational teams.
Another possible solution is to export the model to ShapeFile (see this article - it must be done individually for each element type's Flextable) as the ShapeFiles can be consumed by a number of third party applications such as ArcGIS. If you must have the model data in i-Model format, it may be possible to convert the model Shapefiles into an i-Model via iTwin Synchronizer.
Or, you could consider adding whatever the client needs to see as annotation, and then exporting the DXF for viewing in any CAD application. Or if the shapefile format is preferred over CAD, the client could use free software like QGIS to view the shapefiles.
If feasible, the user/client that you want to send the model to also has the option of either using a 7-day trial version of the product (see "Trial Licenses" section in here) in order to view the model, or purchase a low pipe-limit (such as WaterCAD 10 pipes) so they can open and view the model. The pipe limit is checked on computing a model, but hydraulic results will still show (without having to compute) if you first compute and save the model, then include the output files when you send the model to the user (use the Save to Package feature to include them in a zip.)
If the organization that needs to view the model has a SELECT OpenAccess or E365 subscription, they can access all Bentley products and would be able to install the OpenFlows software and open the model. Note that usage fees may be incurred.
A note on using water models for 3D / BIM: See: Exporting data from WaterCAD/WaterGEMS to OpenRoads Designer
Export data to an Excel spreadsheet
Building and updating a model using ModelBuilder