Product(s): | WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, HAMMER |
Version(s): | CONNECT Edition, V8i |
Environment: | ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro |
Area: | Modeling |
The steps below will show add an existing hydraulic model while working in the ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro integrated versions of WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, and HAMMER. For ArcGIS Pro integration, you will need WaterGEMS version or later and SewerGEMS version or later. HAMMER does not integrate with ArcGIS Pro at this time.
The workflow below uses WaterGEMS as an example, but the general steps are the same for all products.
You will need to first integrate the OpenFlows product with a compatible version of ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro before being able to use these steps.
After opening WaterGEMS for ArcGIS Pro, open a new or existing ArcGIS project. If you are using an existing project, make sure it does not already have a WaterGEMS model associated with it. Once the project is open, go to the WaterGEMS tab, and select Hydraulic Models > Add Existing Hydraulic Model.
Browse to where the WaterGEMS model is saved and select the .wtg file. If you only have the model database (.SQLITE file), open it first in the Standalone version of WaterGEMS (select "database files" from the "files of type" dropdown in the file open dialog) then, save as to generate the .WTG.
After opening the WaterGEMS file, a dialog will open where you create a geodatabase (GDB) file. This will have the same name as the model you are creating. You will also be able to select coordinate system. This file will be saved in the same location as the WaterGEMS model files.
Once this is completed, you will be work on your model further or apply presentation settings.
The steps below use WaterGEMS as an example, but the same general workflow will work with SewerGEMS or HAMMER as well.
1) Open WaterGEMS for ArcMap
2) Click the WaterGEMS menu, choose "Hydraulic Models" > "Add Existing Hydraulic Model".
3) Select your WaterGEMS model
4) Click the folder icon in the 'Attach Geodatabase' window to create a new geodatabase
This is necessary because WaterGEMS interacts with ArcMap through this separate personal geodatabase (.mdb file).
Note: ensure that you save a separate geodatabase MDB file in a safe location that will not be modified. For example, "<modelname>GDB.mdb" in the same folder as the hydraulic model. Also, it is recommended that you always choose to create a separate MDB file rather than utilizing an existing geodatabase. See more about the geodatabase in the article linked to at the bottom of this page.
Optionally, ensure that you assign the correct coordinate system/spatial reference, before clicking OK in the 'Attach Geodatabase' window.
When you click the "Ok" button, the Table of Contents will be populated with the layers for WaterGEMS element types, and your model should appear shortly after. You may need to use the zoom extents button or zoom to an element using the search button at the top of the WaterGEMS properties window.
Note: The steps above describe the process for opening a WaterGEMs model that has not already been opened in WaterGEMS for ArcMap and associated with an .MXD file. This might occur when you have created or received a model in WaterGEMS Standalone, WaterGEMS for AutoCAD, or WaterGEMs for Microstation and are opening it for the first time in WaterGEMS for ArcMap.
Note: Your WaterGEMS model must be saved in CONNECT Edition, V8 XM, or V8i format already (.wtg file). If you are trying to open a WaterCAD V7 (or earlier) model, you must first open it in the Standalone platform of WaterGEMS V8i and save it in V8i format.
After saving your hydraulic model and MXD file, the next time you open the project, you would open the MXD file in ArcMap, open the Hydraulic Model Manager from the WaterGEMS menu, then select the button to Open the hydraulic model. See related article below.