Exporting data from WaterCAD/WaterGEMS to OpenRoads Designer


WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, OpenRoads Designer, OpenSite Designer, OpenRail Designer
Version(s):CONNECT Edition


Is it possible to export a water network modeled in WaterCAD/GEMS to OpenRoads Designer in order to build a 3D/BIM model?


There is no direct way to import a WaterCAD/GEMS model file into OpenRoads Designer, but there is a workaround to do this by exporting the data from WaterCAD/GEMS thru an intermediate database like Shapefiles, Excel/Access files, and then importing it in OpenRoads Designer using the ModelBuilder tool.

In this article we have explained the workflow by two situations:

Important Aspects to be considered prior starting.

Importing data from WaterCAD/GEMS into OpenRoads (steps from scratch)

Consider adjustments to be made in the 3D model for some elements such as Reservoir and Tanks.

You can choose to export the model data to an Excel spreadsheet or to shapefiles. Choose the Excel only if your pipes don’t have bends, otherwise export to Shapefiles instead.

The most important part of the process is the datasource field mapping for each water model layers to the destination in the 3D model. As explained in the “Important Aspects” section, OpenRoads stores all nodal elements into a single category, the “Water Node” in our case. So for all nodal layers, you must select the Table Type “Water Node” for the Field Mapping. And pich the “Water Segment” table type for Pipes.

Standardized Workflow for Multiple Projects

The process described in the previous section consumes time for its preparation. To optimize the time spent on 3D model construction, the suggested workflow described in this section can help by implementing a “template” that controls the Water network model information.

The workflow consists in set an architecture for the data integration between WaterCAD/GEMS and OpenRoads, using a predefined Intermediate database (to be used as a Data Repository) as illustrated below:

Here are some key characteristics of this process that contribute to leverage the data integration between WaterCAD/GEMS and OpenRoads:

ModelBuilder has an import role in the process, since it’s used at both ends (WaterCAD/GEMS and OpenRoads). As seen in the Illustration above, the connections to the Data Repository have two-ways, since ModelBuilder has functions to Synchronize data from the model out to the Data Repository.

In order to help with the possibility of having data traveling To/From OpenRoads, it’s important to use a Standard for Element Labeling in both WaterCAD/GEMS and OpenRoads. This standard can be a simple predefined Prefix for each type of model element like:

Then it can be used in the ModelBuilder connections (in both) using the “WHERE” statement:

The WHERE statement will act as a filter to orient the Data Repository while updating the different types of nodes, considering that OpenRoads stores all nodes under the “Water Node” category. In a situation of Synchronizing an information changed in OpenRoads back to WaterGEMS, the information of a Pump, for instance, will arrive in the correct table (or shapefile) of the data repository because it uses a WHERE Statement that filter the OpenRoads nodes that uses the Pump’s prefix.

So, the suggested workflow involves some exclusive template files that users should consume while modeling in WaterCAD/GEMS and during the 3D model construction. Here is the list of the template files involved:

The typical workflow taken by the user is:

In both videos you can see that ModelBuilder asks for the repository File’s folder path, and it was made by manipulating both MBC files in a text editor. The row number 7 contains the keys to predefine the folder path to find the data source file, and by keeping then with a inexistent path (as shown in the example below), it forces a prompt to let user to pick the folder:

As seen in the videos above, the data integration steps consume just a couple of clicks and go very quickly when using this standardized workflow.

It’s important to understand that to get an optimal workflow, each company should first set their own template files (Repository, Seed, MBCs) and the Workspace for the BIM modeling. Minor adjustments in the 3D model will normally be needed.

In order to support a deeper understanding of the process, you can find below an example of a Seed File for WaterCAD/GEMS and the Access Repository template and the MBC files used in the videos. The MBC file used in OpenRoads should be used in model created with the built-in Training-Metric Workspace.

Template used in the Videos Above