WaterSight - Error uploading WaterGEMS model due to a not supported EPSG/ESRI code


A WaterGEMS model can be uploaded into WaterSight, by acceding the Admin >> Numerical model page.

When uploading a WaterGEMS model it is required to define the EPSG code in order to have it displayed in the correct position in the map. In most cases, the EPSG code or a description of the coordinate system can be found by examining the layer properties in any GIS software. Note that each layer may have different coordinate systems if the utility has not standardized to a single system. EPSG codes can be found by searching https://spatialreference.org/

In case there is an error during the model upload process or in case the model is based on an ESRI code (instead of EPSG code), the user has the possibility to define the WKT (well-known-text) for that specific EPSG / ESRI code that is not supported. To find for the WKT related with the EPSG or ESRI, please follow the below steps:

After defining the WKT, to change it again the user will need to reupload again a hydraulic model.

See Also

Numerical Model administration page

OpenFlows WaterSight TechNotes and FAQ's