Create XYZ file and Reduce Density

  Applies To     
  Product(s): MicroStation  
  Environment:  N/A  
  Area:  Point Cloud  
  Original Author: Frank McAllister, Bentley Technical Support Group  







Problem Description

User would like to convert their Point Cloud POD file to an XYZ format file and reduce the density of the Point Cloud.


Steps to Resolve


Double click POD file name

In Element Information > Metadata make note of the Number of Points

In MicroStation > Point Cloud highlight POD file

File > Export

In Export Point Cloud box

Change Format to ASCII Files (*.xyz)

Change Density to the value that you want it to be set to


Click OK

Export Point Cloud > Enter the name of the XYZ file that you want to create  

If you would like to verify that the Density has changed you can do the following steps:


Point Cloud > File > Convert

Enter XYZ file name that you want to convert

In Convert ASCII Files you can change Spatial Filtering and Spatial Spacing if you chose.


Look at:


Enter file name of the POD file that you want to create

If you double click on the POD file name and in Element Information > Metadata you will see that Number of Points number is smaller.