
MicroStation CONNECT Update 12 10.12.00.XX Builds

The following methods/functions have been added to this release of the SDK



In ECReportNode.h

Selection options for reporting

enum class SelectionScopeOption
All = 0,
ByFence = 1,
CurrentSelection = 2

Get SelectionScopeOption which is used for report all, by fence, or by current selection

DGNPLATFORM_EXPORT SelectionScopeOption GetSelectionScopeOption() const

Set SelectionScopeOption which is used for report al, by fence, or by current selection

DGNPLATFORM_EXPORT void SetSelectionScopeOption(SelectionScopeOption selectionScopeOption)


In BSIQuadrature.h

Evaluate and accumulate function values over an interval.

void AccumulateWeightedSums (BSIVectorIntegrand &function,double t0,double t1,double *pSums,int numInterval)

In ClipPlaneSet.h

Clip a planar region to this ClipPlaneset

GEOMDLLIMPEXP CurveVectorPtr ClipPlanarRegion (CurveVectorCR planarRegion, TransformR localToWorld, TransformR worldToLocal) const

Clip a planar region to the (optional) outsideClip. Subtract the (optional) holeClip.

GEOMDLLIMPEXP static CurveVectorPtr ClipAndMaskPlanarRegion (ClipPlaneSetCP outsideClip, ClipPlaneSetCP holeClip, CurveVectorCR planarRegion)

In CurvePrimitive.h

Create a spiral of one the AustralianRailCorp type, using radius relations from their docs.

GEOMDLLIMPEXP static ICurvePrimitivePtr CreateAustralianRailCorpBearingRadiusLengthRadius (DPoint3dCR startPoint, double startRadians, double startRadius, double targetLength, double endRadius);

In Dpoint3dOps.h

Triangulate a single space polygon. Best effort to handle non-planar polygons. Optionally handle self-intersecting polygons.

static GEOMDLLIMPEXP bool FixupAndTriangulateSpaceLoops (bvector<int>* pIndices,bvector<int>* pExteriorLoopIndices,bvector<DPoint3d>* pXYZOut,TransformR localToWorld,TransformR worldToLocal, bvector<DPoint3d>* pXYZIn, double xyTolerance, bool bSignedOneBasedIndices)

In transform.h

Return the X component of transform*point.

double MultiplyX (DPoint3dCR point) const

Return the Y component of transform*point.

double MultiplyY (DPoint3dCR point) const

Return the Z component of transform*point.

double MultiplyZ (DPoint3dCR point) const

Mutliply 3D points in place

void Multiply (bvector<DPoint3d> &xyzInOut) const

.Net API


Get the list of palettes contained within a DGN file and cache the open DGN file in material cache in renderMoelRef

public static PaletteInfo[] MaterialManager::GetPalettesInDgnLib (string fileName, DgnModelRef renderModelRef)


event for FileMergedEventHandler.

public event FileMergedEventHandler FileMerged