MicroStation has many types of elements that we can divide into graphical and non-graphical elements. This chapter will discuss how to create graphical elements in MDL programs. Since the CE SDK encapsulates the original C functions, it provides a new set of methods for creating elements. The following table lists most of the graphic elements supported in MicroStation. It also lists the old and new methods of creating elements.
mdlLine_create ICurvePrimitive::CreateLine LineHandler::CreateLineElement |
A line consisting of two points. | |
mdlPointString_create ICurvePrimitive::CreatePointString PointStringHandler::CreateLineStringElement |
Discrete points consisting of up to 2000 points. | |
mdlLineString_create ICurvePrimitive::CreateLineString LineStringHandler::CreateLineStringelement |
Multi-segment line consisting of up to 5000 points. mdlElmdscr_createFormVertices can create complex LineString with more than 5000 points. | |
mdlShape_create ICurvePrimitive::CreateRectangle CurveVector::CreateLinear ShapeHandler::CreateShapeElement |
Closed straight line segment consisting of up to 5000 points. mdlElmdscr_createFormVertices can create complex LineString with more than 5000 points. mdlElmdscr_createShapeWithHole can create hollow shape. | |
mdlArc_create mdlArc_createByCenter mdlArc_createByDEllipse3d mdlArc_createByPoints ICurvePrimitive::CreateArc ArcHandler::CreateArcElement |
| |
mdlEllipse_create mdlCircle_createBy3Pts CurveVector::CreateDisk EllipseHandler::CreateEllipseElement |
Circle and Ellipses are the same element type. | |
mdlComplexChain_createHeader ChainHeaderHandler::CreateChainHeaderElement/ AddComponentElement/ AddComponentComplete |
This function creates complex elements, and then appends elements such as lines and/or arcs to form the final ComplexChain or ComplexShape. | |
mdlCurve_create CurveHandler::CreateCurveElement |
The simple type of curve that passes through the points you specify. | |
mdlBspline_createCurve mdlBspline_createInterpolationCurve BSplineCurveHandler::CreateBSplineCurveElement |
Can build MSBsplineCurve with mdlBspline_createBsplineFromPointAndOrder | |
mdlMline_create MultiLineHandler::CreateMultiLineEement |
Multiple straight lines consisting of up to 16 lines | |
TestHandlerBase::CreateElement/TextBlock |
Text element. The old method will be deprecated in future | |
TestHandlerBase::CreateElement/TextBlock |
Text with multiple styles in single or multiline text. | |
mdlTag_create |
A text associated with a graphical element. Tag will be replaced by item. | |
mdlDim_create DimensionHandler::CreateDimensionElement |
| |
mdlCell_create mdlCell_placecCell mdlCell_getElmDscr mdlCell_getElmDscr Extended NormalCellHeaderHandler::CreateCellelement |
mdlCell_create does not rely on the cell library to create a cell header. mdlCell_placeCell or mdlCell_getElmDscr can directly read a cell from the cell library. | |
mdlSharedcell_create SharedCellHandler::CreateSharedCellElement |
Multiple SharedCells shared one ShareCell definition. It could be used to significantly reduce model size when there are multiple identical complex cells | |
mdlCone_create ConeHandler::CreateConeElement |
This function can be used to create both cylinders and cones | |
mdlSurface_project mdlSurface_resolve SurfaceOrSolidHandler::CreateProjectionElement SurfaceOrSolidHandler::CreateresolutionElement |
For two old functions you can set edp- >el.ehdr.type = SOLID_ELM to generate solid. In the new two functions, there is a preferSolid flag which can be used to control whether to generate surface or solid. | |
mdlKISolid_makeCuboid mdlKISolid_makePrism mdlKISolid_makeSphere mdlKISolid_makeCone mdlKISolid_makeTorus mdlKISolid_makeWedge mdlKISolid_sweepodyWire ISolidPrimitive::CreateDgnTorusPipe ISolidPrimitive::CreateDgnCone ISolidPrimitive::CreateDgnBox ISolidPrimitive::CreateDgnSphere ISolidPrimitive::CreateDgnExtrusion ISolidPrimitive::CreateDgnRotationSweep ISolidPrimitive::CreateDgnRuledSweep SolidUtil::Create |
SmartSolid handles geometry with the help of the ParaSolid, but the ordinary solids do not. Therefore, for some basic 3D model, both ordinary solid and SmartSolid can be used to create them. The ordinary solid is more efficient than the SmartSolid, but it cannot express complex solids. | |
mdlBspline_createSurface mdlBspline_crossSectionSurface mdlBspline_gordonSurface mdlBspline_coonsPatch mdlBspline_nSidePatch mdlBspline_skinPatch mdlBspline_ruledSurface mdlBspline_surfaceOfProjection mdlBspline_surfaceOfRevolution mdlBspline_catmullRomSurface MSBsplineSurface::CreateXXX |
Accurate surface expression. |
mdlMesh_newCoordinateBlock mdlMesh_newGrid mdlMesh_newPolyface mdlMesh_newRegularPolyhedron PolyfaceHeader::CreateXXX |
Mesh is suitable for expressing large-scale ground model mesh data, but the accuracy will be worse than BsplineSurface. |
In the CE SDK, most of the old C functions are still retained, but their function prototypes have changed. The main reason is that the CE version completely uses Unicode character encoding. This chapter will only introduce the new C ++ programming method.
One of the most important classes in CE SDK is ElementHandle, whose object represents an element in memory. MDL defines multiple variants for the same class, the purpose of which is to simplify the writing of C ++ itself. As shown in the following table:
Class Name |
Actual definition |
ElementHandleP |
ElementHandle * |
ElementHandleCP |
ElementHandle const * |
ElementHandleR |
ElementHandle & |
ElementHandleCR |
ElementHandle const & |
After understanding some of the basics above, we started to write code to generate elements.
1. Edit the HelloWorld.cpp file. The final result is as follows:
/*-------------------------------------------------------------+ | HelloWorld.cpp | +-------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <Mstn\MdlApi\MdlApi.h> #include <DgnPlatform\DgnPlatformApi.h> USING_NAMESPACE_BENTLEY_DGNPLATFORM USING_NAMESPACE_BENTLEY_MSTNPLATFORM USING_NAMESPACE_BENTLEY_MSTNPLATFORM_ELEMENT double g_1mu; void createALine(DPoint3dCR basePt) { EditElementHandle eeh; DSegment3d seg; seg.Init(basePt, DPoint3d::From(basePt.x + g_1mu * 2, basePt.y + g_1mu)); ICurvePrimitivePtr pCurve = ICurvePrimitive::CreateLine(seg); DraftingElementSchema::ToElement(eeh, *pCurve, nullptr, ACTIVEMODEL->Is3d(), *ACTIVEMODEL); eeh.AddToModel(); } void createAComplexShape(DPoint3dCR basePt) { EditElementHandle eeh; DPoint3d pts[3]; pts[0] = pts[1] = pts[2] = basePt; pts[1].x += g_1mu*0.3; pts[1].y += g_1mu*0.7; pts[0].x += g_1mu; pts[0].y += g_1mu; DEllipse3d arcPts = DEllipse3d::FromPointsOnArc(pts[2], pts[1], pts[0]); CurveVectorPtr pCurveVec = CurveVector::Create(CurveVector::BOUNDARY_TYPE_Outer); pCurveVec->Add(ICurvePrimitive::CreateArc(arcPts)); pts[1].x = pts[0].x; pts[1].y = pts[2].y; pCurveVec->Add(ICurvePrimitive::CreateLineString(pts, 3)); DraftingElementSchema::ToElement(eeh, *pCurveVec, nullptr, ACTIVEMODEL->Is3d(), *ACTIVEMODEL); eeh.AddToModel(); } void createAProjectedSolid(DPoint3dCR basePt) { DPoint3d pts[6]; pts[0] = basePt; pts[1].x = pts[0].x; pts[1].y = pts[0].y - g_1mu / 2; pts[1].z = pts[0].z; pts[2].x = pts[1].x + g_1mu / 2; pts[2].y = pts[1].y; pts[2].z = pts[0].z; pts[3].x = pts[2].x; pts[3].y = pts[2].y - g_1mu / 2; pts[3].z = pts[0].z; pts[4].x = pts[3].x + g_1mu / 2; pts[4].y = pts[3].y; pts[4].z = pts[0].z; pts[5].x = pts[4].x; pts[5].y = pts[0].y; pts[5].z = pts[0].z; CurveVectorPtr pCurveVec = CurveVector::CreateLinear(pts, 6, CurveVector::BOUNDARY_TYPE_Outer); DVec3d extrusionVec = DVec3d::From(0, 0, g_1mu); DgnExtrusionDetail data(pCurveVec, extrusionVec, true); ISolidPrimitivePtr pSolid = ISolidPrimitive::CreateDgnExtrusion(data); EditElementHandle eeh; DraftingElementSchema::ToElement(eeh, *pSolid, nullptr, *ACTIVEMODEL); eeh.AddToModel(); } void createABsplineSurface(DPoint3dCR basePt) { MSBsplineSurface bsSurface; MSBsplineCurve bsCurves[4]; DPoint3d center[4]; RotMatrix rMatrix[4]; double radius = g_1mu / 2; center[0] = center[1] = center[2] = center[3] = basePt; center[0].x += radius; center[1].x += g_1mu; center[1].y += radius; center[2].x += radius; center[2].y += g_1mu; center[3].y += radius; DVec3d xVec = DVec3d::From(1, 0, 0), negativeXVec = DVec3d::From(-1, 0, 0); DVec3d yVec = DVec3d::From(0, 1, 0), negativeYVec = DVec3d::From(0, -1, 0); DVec3d zVec = DVec3d::From(0, 0, 1); rMatrix[0].InitFrom2Vectors(xVec, zVec); //Front View rMatrix[1].InitFrom2Vectors(yVec, zVec); //Right View rMatrix[2].InitFrom2Vectors(negativeXVec, zVec); //Back View rMatrix[3].InitFrom2Vectors(negativeYVec, zVec); //Left View EditElementHandle eeh; for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) { bsCurves[i].InitEllipticArc(center[i], radius, radius, 0, PI, &rMatrix[i]); } if (SUCCESS == mdlBspline_coonsPatch(&bsSurface, bsCurves)) { DraftingElementSchema::ToElement(eeh, bsSurface, nullptr, *ACTIVEMODEL); eeh.AddToModel(); mdlBspline_freeSurface(&bsSurface); } for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) mdlBspline_freeCurve(&bsCurves[i]); } extern "C" DLLEXPORT void MdlMain(int argc, WCharCP argv[]) { ModelInfoCP pInfo = ACTIVEMODEL->GetModelInfoCP(); g_1mu = pInfo->GetUorPerStorage(); DPoint3d basePt = DPoint3d::FromZero(); createALine(basePt); basePt.x += g_1mu*1.7; basePt.y -= g_1mu*0.3; basePt.z -= g_1mu*0.6; createAComplexShape(basePt); basePt.x += g_1mu*1.5; basePt.y -= g_1mu*0.3; basePt.z -= g_1mu*0.6; createAProjectedSolid(basePt); basePt.x += g_1mu*2.2; basePt.y -= g_1mu*1.7; basePt.z -= g_1mu*0.6; createABsplineSurface(basePt); }
2. Type bmake -a in the MicroStation Developer Shell to generate the final HelloWorld.ma and HelloWorld.dll.
3. Start MicroStation, open or create a new 3D model, type MDL LOAD HelloWorld in the input command field and press Enter to generate the figure shown below. This graphic is the effect seen in the ISO view.
Prev:[[Detailed explanation of mke file]] | Next:[[Adding commands to MDL applications]] |