MicroStation CONNECT Developer Training

Visit the MicroStation CONNECT Developer Training LEARN path to view the full training available, or simply navigate through individual topics of interest below. 

  1. Bentley and BDN
  2. MicroStation SDK Overview (PDFVideo)
  3. MicroStation Architecture (PDF, Video)
  4. Dgn Concepts API Overview (PDFVideo)
  5. Dgn File (PDF)
    • Structure of Dgn File - Part 1 (Video)
    • Structure of Dgn File - Part 2 (Video)
    • Structure of Dgn File - Part 3 (Video)
  6. Working with Elements (Video)
  7. Implementing MicroStation Addin Tools in Natve C++ (Video)
  8. User Interfaces
  9. DgnTool Managed Code (Video)
  10. Units and Coordinate Systems: ACS, Cartesian/Polar
  11. EC Framework (PDFVideo)
  12. DgnEC APIs
  13. EC ItemType
  14. Raster API Overview (Video)
  15. Getting Started with VBA (Video)


  1. CONTENT UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Some content links are temporary placeholders as more content is added and arranged. Please check back frequently for new content.
  2. Feel free to submit MicroStation Programming Ideas for additional programming content for us to consider adding.