MicroStation CONNECT Developer Training
Visit the MicroStation CONNECT Developer Training LEARN path to view the full training available, or simply navigate through individual topics of interest below.
- Bentley and BDN
- MicroStation SDK Overview (PDF, Video)
- MicroStation Architecture (PDF, Video)
- Dgn Concepts API Overview (PDF, Video)
- Dgn File (PDF)
- Structure of Dgn File - Part 1 (Video)
- Structure of Dgn File - Part 2 (Video)
- Structure of Dgn File - Part 3 (Video)
- Working with Elements (Video)
- Implementing MicroStation Addin Tools in Natve C++ (Video)
- User Interfaces
- DgnTool Managed Code (Video)
- Units and Coordinate Systems: ACS, Cartesian/Polar
- EC Framework (PDF, Video)
- DgnEC APIs
- EC ItemType
- Raster API Overview (Video)
- Getting Started with VBA (Video)
- CONTENT UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Some content links are temporary placeholders as more content is added and arranged. Please check back frequently for new content.
- Feel free to submit MicroStation Programming Ideas for additional programming content for us to consider adding.