
Workflows, Topics and Considerations related to source code migration.

Migrate V8 MDL Code

Some helpful getting started links to assist developers migrating v8 code to CONNECT:

NOTE: In general the older an application (product generation listed above) the more steps (from bottom to top) will be required to successively migrate application code forward.  Often creating a new (template) application in your preferred generation product that compiles cleanly and incrementally directly moving functionality forward, or using new and improved APIs may offer the best migration result.

  • Migration Workshop Materials (Delivered with MicroStation CONNECT SDK Update 10 and later)
    • Alternate download: MicroStation CONNECT Migration Workshop Dataset
    • Suggested materials to review under; ..\Documentation\Migration:
      • Readme.txt (Resources to understand: existing application impacts, new product and API changes)
    • Suggested materials to review under; Workshop\Docs:
      • MicroStationCONNECT_MigrationWorkshop.pptx (Architectural and Migration Topics Overview)
      • MigrationProcessOverview.pdf (Migration process, code evaluation and prioritization)
      • Resources to get up and running with Bentley Communities.pdf (Programming Resources)
    • Suggested materials to review under; Using MicroStation x64 Beta 1 MDL SDK:
      • Using MicroStation x64 Beta 1 MDL SDK-v2.pdf (Migration of MyApp example)
Migrate V7 Code

Some helpful getting started links to assist developers migrating V7 code to V8:

Note MicroStation/J (v7) was introduced in December 1998 and respectively has fewer online resources available. Developers tasked with Migrating Code for this release should review and consider some of these following options available:

  1. Review in the order listed and explore all options available in the Migrating to CONNECT article.
  2. If you do not have developers/programmers available, see: Need Help Upgrading? (User Information on Bentley CONNECT software and services)
  3. Understand what each application command performs and determine if new product functionality (commands and workflows) exist that can effectively replace the need for previous specialized (legacy) code to be migrated forward
  4. See Migrating MDL V8 MDL Code (to MicroStation CONNECT) choosing the one or more (in reverse order - oldest to newest software) migration steps required. Doing so ensures the least development migration efforts and ensures full compliance with current Bentley Support Policies and Desktop application support.
  5. If applications simply sequenced a number of users steps, consider creating/recording MicroStation Scripts and Macros (Macro Recorder and/or MicroStation VBA macros) to quickly address those needs
  6. Consider migrating custom MDL application code to: MicroStation .NET Addins or MicroStation VBA.
  7. Consider migrating custom JMDL application code to: MDL, MicroStation .NET Addins or MicroStation VBA.
    1. Parent Migration ToolsJava Language Conversion Assistant (JLCA) is now available and Migrating from Java to C# (
  8. Review and consider some of these MicroStation/J to MicroStation V8/CONNECT migration options:
    1. If applications simply sequenced a number of users steps, consider creating/recording MicroStation Scripts and Macros (Bentley Macro Recorder and/or MicroStation VBA projects) to quickly address those needs
    2. MicroStation/J to MicroStation V8 Considerations
    3. MicroStation/J to MicroStation V8 Upgrading
    4. Developing Code in VBA