Frequently asked questions about - migrating code to MicroStation CONNECT.
Migrating Code |
The following information (paths) are provided to help navigate essential migration resources available and help ensure migrating your custom applications/code to the latest software versions and platforms can be most productive. It is recommended to take the time to follow the information provided in the order presented for topics most relevant to your individual needs and ensure best results. Users and Admins having Custom MDL Applications and No Programmers
New to the MicroStation SDK and Programmer Resources
Previous Custom MDL Application Developers Migrating to CONNECT (Choosing a Migration Strategy) Creating New Code Projects?
Migrating MDL Code directly as a "1:1" Migration Project?
Raster |
General Recommendations Code that relied on the prior (index-based handles) MDL C Container API (mdlCntr); wrt: List, Map and Multimaps; where appropriate can upgrade code to use native C++ std library list and map functionality.
Removed and Deprecated