Use this page to see frequently asked questions.

Related Topics:  Best PracticesSyntaxHighlighter, TerminologySecure Upload

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Getting Started

.NET Addins


Code Migration/Conversion



MicroStation CONNECT SDK source code can be readily debugged using Microsoft's Visual Studio Debugger.

RELATED: Debug V8 MDL Apps, Debug MicroStation VBA AppsSearch Paths


MicroStation CONNECT Dialog Box and Item sizes


MicroStation CONNECT switched to using a more modern Windows 10 default system font (From: "Microsoft Sans Serif", To: "Segoe UI"). Therefore any custom Dialog Boxes and Items sized using XC & YC macros will be respectively change their calculated sizes/proportions based on the default system font the respective MicroStation product line was compiled to use.


For additional dialog box migration and creation, please see these helpful MicroStationAPI.chm help topics:

  • Migrating Dialogs
    • CONNECT Edition User Interface Porting and Enhancements
  • Creating New Dialogs
    • Dialog Box Manager Overview
    • Migrating to Layout Manager


MicroStation classifies and organizes graphical (vector) and metadata information using a number of well-defined conventions. Please find information related to the most common concepts and methods available:


Determine if your .NET Project requires running in a High Security mode. See: Security Configuration Variables



MS_SECURITY_LEVEL   : System         = NONE
MS_SECURITY_SPC     : System         = C:\ProgramData\Bentley\CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Organization\SPC\*.cer

Search Paths

MDL (Native Code. .ma, .dll) MS_MDL (Primary MDL application search path)
MS_LIBRARY_PATH (Primary native code library path)
MDL (Managed Code. .dll) MS_ADDINPATH (Primary .NET addin path)
MicroStation VBA (Interpreted Code. .mvba) MS_VBASEARCHDIRECTORIES (Directories to search for VBA projects)

Related: ConfigurationApplication Config File

Virtualized Environments

Bentley Software - Virtualized Environment Support