Troubleshooting Blue Screen Issues
Windows Architecture and Design prevent 3rd party User Mode Applications from being able to trigger/cause Windows Blue Screen Events, so it is almost always a Operating System Driver that is at fault and in need of attention. See: What causes stop errors (root causes)..
Especially if you cannot Run as Admin within your organization the best advice will be to work with your IT Department to help resolve the Blue Screen Events first, then come back w/their assistance to ensure you have your (Bentley) software installed correctly. If/when things appear to go wrong after a recent product install/remote deploying scenario to try to start a given application as Administrator (one time) to ensure any post-install registry entries/permissions succeed then run the given software as a standard/restricted user to ensure proper operation; otherwise work with the software company (support team) to help correct any reproducible issues
Here are a couple helpful links that may help them or you take those first and immediate steps needed:
- Open and Review Windows Reliability History (Win + "Reli") to identify recent: Crashes (exceptions) and/or Software Updates
- Troubleshoot Windows Blue Screen Errors (Wizard)
- Windows 10 support solutions - Troubleshoot Bugcheck and Stop Errors