Working with Bing Maps

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Raster
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Anil Aktug, Bentley Technical Support Group


You can use Bing Maps content as a live raster;


To Attach Bing Maps

Go to Create a Bing Maps key and obtain a Bing Maps Key.

  1. Create a new configuration variable named MS_RASTER_BINGMAP_KEY and put your Bing Maps Key in the New Value field.
  2. Save the new variable, then close MicroStation and open a new session.
  3. Open the Raster Manager dialog and then select File > Attach > Bing Maps.     

The Raster Attachments Options dialog opens.

  1. Select the desired Bing Maps Layers type and then click Attach.


Steps to Accomplish

After obtaining the key

Create a new configuration variable named "MS_RASTER_BINGMAP_KEY" and give it the value of your

Bing Maps key. Example, "abcdefGhiJklmnop_qrstuvwXyz".


Save the variable then close and reopen Your Bentley Software


Go to File > Attach > Bing Maps… in the Raster Manager dialog box.

The "Raster Attachments Options" dialog opens.

There are three options to choose from layers


You could also use the keyins >

raster attach fixed

raster attach fixed

raster attach fixed


Bing Map usage is subject to Microsoft's Terms of Use In particular, there are some restrictions on printing. For details, refer to the web page

See Also