The ProjectWise Menu Editor (Menu Editor) is an optional ProjectWise Administrative component feature that can be installed from either; the ProjectWise Explorer or ProjectWise Administrator installers and selecting: Tools > Administrative Tools > Menu Editor.
The Menu Editor is an optional ProjectWise Administrative feature that permit ProjectWise Administrators to create and deploy custom ProjectWise Explorer Menus; saved as .MRR files; to Users within an Organization.
ProjectWise Public API Documentation » ProjectWise SDK Tools
Pressing the right mouse button upon the Menu Item Tree brings up the popupmenu. New menu items can be inserted by selecting Add command from the menu. Menu item can also be added by pressing Insert button when the Menu Item Tree has the focus.
A Command type must be defined for each item. Type must be selected from the Command Type combobox and it can be one of following values
Function Name | Short Description |
Document Command |
Specifies the command affecting documents. A document command usually needs input information about the document items that it will affect (for example, in the case of ProjectWise document list control menu the selected document items in the document list control are passed to the command). There might also be document commands that do not need the document input (for example, create document) Top level document commands will be located under ProjectWise Explorer's document menu. |
Document Send To Command | Specifies the command affecting documents. These commands are actually the same as Document Commands, but they will be located under ProjectWise Explorer's document menu's Send To section. (For example, "Send To Printer" could be this kind of command.) |
Generic Command | Specifies generic command that does not need document or project input |
Generic Command (Tools) | Specifies generic command that will be located under ProjectWise Explorer's Tools menu |
Project Command | Specifies menu command affecting projects. A project command usually needs input information about the project that command affects (for example project item selected in ProjectWise Explorer's project tree). Top level project commands will be located under ProjectWise Explorer's project menu |
PullDown Menu | Specifies menu item that can be used as a drop-down menu within window's main menu, sub-menu of another menu or a as popup menu. If item is used as a popup menu the display name is ignored, items under it are displayed. All top level pulldown items' display names are shown (for example, in ProjectWise Explorer's main menu). If pulldown menu contains document items, it will be also shown as a sub-menu within the Document Popup Menu. If pulldown menu contains project items it will be also shown as a sub-menu within the Project Popup Menu |
Separator | Specifies horizontal dividing line |
A Display name is required for each item except separator items. Character '&' is not displayed and means that the next character after it will be an underlined shortcut key.
Display name can also be defined using the resource filename and resource Id. For instance, string #RsrcFileName#RsrcId means that a resource string with identifier RsrcId from a resource file RsrcFileName must be loaded.
Each Menu Item should have an unique identifier within a parent menu item.
If the unique identifier is the same as one of ProjectWise menu macros (in string format) this command will replace ProjectWise Explorer's standard menu command. If command replaces ProjectWise standard command and display name (or help text) is left empty, then the default display name (help text) is used.
See Menu Definitions for the list of Standard Menu Identifiers.
To remove ProjectWise standard menu command, one can set Unique Item Identifier to the standard menu command identifier and set the ignore mask for it.
Often it is more appropriate to use hook function instead of replacing command using the menu editor. See ProjectWise SDK Reference for more information about hook functions and their prototypes. For example if it is desired to execute custom function every time document is deleted the hook function is appropriate for the case. When using menu replacement the custom function is executed only when document delete is selected from ProjectWise menu. When using hook function (hook identifier is AAHOOK_DELETE_DOCUMENT) the custom function will be called every time aaApi_DeleteDocument() function is called (not matter if it is called by menu command or if it is called directly).
The command specific text, appearing in ProjectWise Explorer's Status Bar, can be defined for each command item (project, document or generic command).
If an "Ole Automation DLL" check box is not checked, then the "DLL Name" editbox contains the filename (without path) of a DLL containing the function. The "Function Name" editbox contains the name of exported function to be executed when the menu item command is executed.
If an "Ole Automation DLL" check box is checked then the "Class Name" editbox contains the name of an OLE Automation Class owning the function. The "Function Name" editbox contains the name of a public function to be executed by specified menu item.
All ProjectWise menu items are maintained at a runtime by the ProjectWise Menu Registry. If "Long Parameter List" check box is checked then the first function's parameter (document, project or generic command) is the menu registry handle and the second is section handle of the menu item. The menu item section can be accessed by ProjectWise registry functions.
Below there are examples of functions prototypes called by specified menu commands. For all functions the following return values are valid:
0 | The command completed successfully | |
IDCANCEL | The operation was cancelled by the user | |
<0 | For added commands, a negative value indicates an error occurred while performing the operation. For a command that replaces a standard ProjectWise menu command, a negative value indicates that the default ProjectWise command was executed. |
The prototype for a Generic Command, short parameter list (standard dll and OLE Automation dll):
int WINAPI CustomGenericCmd ( void );
The prototype for a Generic Command, long parameter list (standard dll and OLE Automation dll):
int WINAPI CustomGenericCmd ( void* hRegistry, unsigned long hCommand );
The prototype for a Project Command, short parameter list (standard dll and OLE Automation dll):
int WINAPI CustomProjectCmd ( long project_no );
The prototype for a Project Command, long parameter list (standard dll and OLE Automation dll):
int WINAPI CustomProjectCmd ( void* hRegistry, unsigned long hCommand, long project_no );
The prototype for a Document Command, short parameter list (standard dll):
int WINAPI CustomDocumentCmd ( unsigned int count, long* pProjects, long* pDocuments );
The prototype for a Document Command, long parameter list (standard dll):
int WINAPI CustomDocumentCmd ( void* hRegistry, unsigned long hCommand, unsigned int count, long* pProjects, long* pDocuments );
The prototype for a Document Command, short parameter list (OLE Automation dll):
int WINAPI CustomDocumentCmd
VARIANT* project_array,
VARIANT* document_array
The prototype for a Document Command, long parameter list (OLE Automation dll):
int WINAPI CustomDocumentCmd ( void* hRegistry, unsigned long hCommand, VARIANT* project_array, VARIANT* document_array );
Required mask and Ignored mask can be defined for each command item or popup item. These bit masks are affecting menu item visibility at runtime. The masks can be defined in the mask dialog.
Menu item is displayed if each bit in required mask is valid and none of ignore mask's bits are valid at the moment the menu is called.
Mask can be zero or it can contain one or more of following mask bits:
(For each bit it is defined a command type the bit can be used with. D - document, P - Folder, G - Generic)
Mask bit | Type | Short description |
Document Selected | D | At least one document item (not set item) is selected |
Document Set Selected | D | At least one document set item is selected |
Read Only Item | D | At least one document item the current user having only read access to is selected |
Write Access Item | D | At least one document item the current user having write access to is selected |
Checked Out Items | D | At least one document item checked out by current user is selected |
Checked In items | D | At least one document item not checked out by current user is selected |
Document Version | D | At least one version item is selected |
Logical Set | D | At least one logical set is selected |
More than One Documents | D | More than one document item selected |
Project Selected | DP | Folder item is valid |
Valid Login | DPG | User is logged in |
User Can Edit Projects | DPG | current user is allowed to edit folders |
User Can Change Workflow | DPG | current user is allowed to change workflow |
User Can Edit Document | DPG | current user is allowed to edit documents |
User Can Change State | DPG | current user is allowed to change workflow state |
User Can Edit Sets | DPG | current user is allowed to edit document sets |
Property Items Allowed Only | this menu command is aimed to show only property type of items (e.g. property, history, open, view, etc). | |
Openable document selected | D | At least one Document item or Logical Set item is selected. |
To make a menu item visible when there is one logical set selected check in the required mask "Document Set Selected" and "Logical Set" bits and in the ignored mask check "More than One" bit.
int WINAPI CustomStateFunction
UINT uiCmdId,
ULONG ulState
[in] | uiCmdId | Standard ProjectWise menu command identifier. |
[in] | ulState | State mask. It can be a combination of the document select flags |
0 | The command will be displayed. | |
AAMS_UNDEFINED | Indicates error. | |
AAMS_* | One of the Menu Item State Flags |
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