Scalable Mesh Key-in list




mrmesh clipplus

Opens the Clip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh clipplus block

Selects the block method in the Clip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh clipplus oriblock

Selects the oriented block method in the Clip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh clipplus oriblockbyaxis

Selects the oriented block by axis method in the Clip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh clipplus box

Selects the box method in the Clip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh clipplus polygon

Selects the polygon method in the Clip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh clipplus element

Selects the element method in the Clip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh clipplus view

Selects the view method in the Clip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh clipplus mode boundary

Selects the boundary mode in the Clip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh clipplus mode mask

Selects the mask mode in the Clip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh clipplus applytoall on

Toggles ON the Apply to all option of the Clip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh clipplus applytoall off

Toggles OFF the Apply to all option of the Clip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh unclip

Opens the Unclip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh unclip all

Selects the All mode in the Unclip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh unclip element

Selects the Identify mode in the Unclip Reality Mesh tool.

mrmesh unclip fence

Selects the Fence mode in the Unclip Reality Mesh tool.

scalablemesh geocoordinatesystem details

Opens the Geographic Coordinate System Properties dialog. Use this dialog to visualize the GeoCS properties or modify the Vertical Datum of the selected Scalable Mesh attachment.

scalablemesh geocoordinatesystem select

Opens the Select Geographic Coordinate System dialog. Use this dialog to browse browse the GeoCS library and select a new one for the selected Scalable Mesh attachment.

scalablemesh geocoordinatesystem delete

Deletes the GeoCS of the selected Scalable Mesh attachment.


Descartes / ContextCapture Editor



scalablemesh new

Starts the New Terrain Scalable Mesh tool.

scalablemesh status

Use to verify if any changes were made to the source files of the selected Scalable Mesh attachment.

scalablemesh modify

Starts the Modify Terrain Scalable Mesh tool.

scalablemesh generate

Use to generate new or update existing Terrain Scalable Mesh.

scalablemesh groundextraction

Starts the Ground Extraction tool.

scalablemesh extractelevationpoints

Starts the Extract Elevation Points tool.

scalablemesh quickgroundextract

Starts the Quick Ground Extraction tool.

scalablemesh quickgroundextract block

Selects the block method in the Quick Ground Extraction tool.

scalablemesh quickgroundextract shape

Selects the shape method in the Quick Ground Extraction tool.

scalablemesh quickgroundextract element

Selects the element method in the Quick Ground Extraction tool.

scalablemesh volumecalculation

Starts the Volume Calculation tool.

scalablemesh volumecalculation block

Selects the block method in the Volume Calculation tool.

scalablemesh volumecalculation shape

Selects the shape method in the Volume Calculation tool.

scalablemesh volumecalculation element

Selects the element method in the Volume Calculation tool.

scalablemesh tileterrain

Starts the Tile Terrain tool.

scalablemesh convert

Starts the Convert 3MX to Scalable Mesh tool.

scalablemesh saveas

Starts the Save As Scalable Mesh tool.

scalablemesh upload

Starts the Upload to ProjectWise ContextShare tool.

scalablemesh uploadwithclips

Starts the Upload with Clips tools. Use the bake clips in Scalable Mesh before uploading to ProjectWise ContextShare.