Upload reality mesh from Bentley Descartes or ContextCapture Editor to ProjectWise ContextShare

1) Open Bentley Descartes or ContextCapture Editor.

2) Select a workset that is assigned to a ProjectWise Project

Note: The assigned ProjectWise Project needs to be one where you have been granted ProjectWise ContextShare's "Create" permission.

3) Open a DGN file.

4) Open the "Reality Mesh Attachments" dialog. In the "File" menu, select "Upload to ProjectWise ContextShare".

5) If you are accessing the internet through a Proxy Server, enter your proxy information in the "Proxy Server Settings" dialog.

6) A file picker dialog opens. Select a 3SM file to start uploading it to ProjectWise ContextShare.

Once uploaded, the data can be consumed by all Project Team Members who have been allowed to consume existing Reality Data.