The iTwin Platform supports Reality Meshes that are in the "Web Ready 3D Scalable Mesh" or "Cesium 3D Tiles" formats. If the Reality Mesh you want to upload to a ProjectWise Reality Management Project is already in either of those formats, you can skip ahead to the Reality Mesh Publication section. Otherwise, you will need to first optimize your Reality Mesh using the free iTwin Capture 3DM Import & Upload Tool.
Supported input Reality Mesh formats are:
1) Open iTwin Capture Import and Upload Tool
2) In the application window's upper-right corner, click the Tools menu and Optimize.
*Note: If you only see 3 icons like this image, then install the Optimize Mesh plug-in available at the following link:
Optimize Mesh Plug-In:
3) Click the Optimize Mesh icon.
4) In the "Source" section, select either the Source File or for multiple files the Source folder option for the input format of the file(s) you want to convert, and select the input data's CRS.
Note: Multiple meshes can be selected and converted to a single mesh. Be sure to choose your input format
5) Select the Target location
6) When ready, click the "Start" button at the bottom of the Optimize widget. The optimized reality mesh will be created in the selected target location.
Note: This process may take some time.
1) From iTwin Capture Import & Upload Tool's application's upper-right corner, click the Tools menu and select "Optimize".
2) Go to the Tools menu and select Reality Management
3) Click the "Connect" button.
4) Select the destination Project in the "Search iTwins" drop-down.
5) In the "Action" section, select 'New Upload".
6) In the "Resource" section, select "Single Reality Data".
7) In the "File Selection" section, select "Web Ready 3D Scalable Mesh (json)" in the "Search Data Type" drop-down.
8) Click the "Browse" button and select the root .json file of the reality mesh to be uploaded.
9) In the Upload section, click the "Start Now" button. You can monitor the upload status using the progress bar in this section.