The Orbit Photo Navigation

The Orbit Photo Navigation offers a consistent photo consumption experience across all of Bentley’s « Powered by iTwin » web applications.


1) Open a Reality Data in the Reality Data Web Viewer.

2) Open the Reality Data Widget.

3) Click the "Show Orbit Photo Navigation" button at the top of the Reality Data Widget.

4) A new viewport is added to the right of the Reality Data Web Viewer's application window.

5) Use the "Photo Navigation" tab at the top of the Reality Data Widget to manage display of Reality Data of type "Mapping Resource".

*Note: If there is only one Reality Data of type "Mapping Resource" associated to the current ProjectWise Project, it will be automatically selected.

6) Optionally use the "Model" tab at the top of the Reality Data Widget to manage display of Reality Data in the left-most viewport.

7) Use the "Set Focus Position" to select the photo that you want to visualize in the Orbit Photo Navigation viewport.


It is possible to load the Orbit Photo Navigation automatically by appending the following string at the end of the Reality data Web Viewer's URL: &opn=true


