Reality Mesh Classification

The Reality Data Widget is your gateway to list, manage visibility and control display settings of all the Reality Data that are associated to the current iTwin, and optimized for use in Powered by iTwin web applications. In this page, you will learn how to crate a reality mesh classifier.

Classifier is a set of one or more elements that are linked to the reality mesh to provide a method for identifying portions of the mesh that represent physical entities. Two dimensional shapes from GIS (Geographic Information Systems) applications are particularly convenient and valuable as they typically are geographically located and contain valuable property data. By using design data to classify the reality model, you are able to access the reality model as a set of intelligent components rather than a single, isolated entity. The link between the reality model and the underlying design data is bidirectional so you can either query the GIS model to locate the associated reality mesh or select locations on the reality model to access the underlying design data.

Note: This feature requires an iModel and is not supported in the Reality Data Web Viewer

Creating a Classifier

To access classifier settings:

  1. Open the Reality Data Widget
  2. In the list, locate the reality mesh that is currently displayed 
    Tip: The following icon means that the listed reality data is a reality mesh: 
  3. Place your mouse cursor over the reality mesh name and click the "..." at the end of the line
  4. Click the "Settings..." option.

Classifier Settings

Setting NameDescription
NameSets the name of the classifier

Select the Model to use for classification

Inside Display

Controls the display mode for reality mesh inside classification boundary. Options are Off, On, Dimmed, Hilite, and Element Color. If set to Element Color, the symbology of the inside classification boundary is derived from the symbology of the element in the source model.

Outside Display

Controls the display mode for reality mesh outside classification boundaries. Options are Off, On, and Dimmed.

Margin (m)Specifies a distance to expand (if positive) or reduce (if negative) the classification boundary. For certain boundaries, such as building footprints that may lie directly on the edge of the enclosed volume, specifying a small margin value can avoid undesirable clipping at the boundary edge. A negative margin distance will omit a small volume between adjacent boundaries.

Use when the selected model contains 3D geometries to more precisely enclose reality mesh volumes

  • When set On, the classified volume is determined by the range of the element
  • When set Off, the classified volume is projected to classify all reality mesh geometry above (or below)