Reality Mesh Display Settings

The Reality Data Widget is your gateway to list, manage visibility and control display settings of all the Reality Data that are associated to the current iTwin, and optimized for use in Powered by iTwin web applications. In this page, you will learn how to use display settings to enhance the display of reality meshes.

Accessing Reality Mesh Display Settings

To access reality mesh display settings:

  1. Open the Reality Data Widget
  2. In the list, locate the reality mesh that is currently displayed 
    Tip: The following icon means that the listed reality data is a reality mesh: 
  3. Place your mouse cursor over the reality mesh name and click the "..." at the end of the line
  4. Click the "Settings..." option.

Reality Mesh Display Settings

Setting NameDescriptionDefault Value

Controls whether the reality mesh can be located by tools (e.g. snapping on point cloud with measurement tools)

  • When set On, the reality mesh is locatable
  • When set Off, the reality mesh is not locatable

Sets the degree of transparency to be applied to the reality mesh (scale of 0 to 100)

  • When set to 0, the reality mesh is fully opaque
  • When set to 100, the reality mesh is fully transparent
Mask by iModels

Masks the Reality Mesh with the extent of elements in the current iModel. This is particularly useful when the reality mesh intersects iModel elements.

  • When set On
    • The "Override Mask Transparency" setting is available
    • The reality mesh is dynamically masked by iModel elements
  • When set Off
    • The "Override Mask Transparency" setting is grayed out
    • The reality mesh is not masked and will obstruct iModel elements where they intersect
Override Mask Transparency

Override the mask transparency value globally

  • When set On
    • The "Mask Transparency" setting is available
    • The mask is applied globaly with the same transparency value set in the "Mask Transparency" setting
  • When set Off
    • The "Mask Transparency" setting is grayed out
    • The mask is applied with the same transparency value as the clipping element. For example, if the clipping element has a transparency of 50%, the same value will be applied to the are of the reality mesh it is masking. 
Mask Transparency

Manually set the degree of transparency to be applied to areas of the reality mesh that are masked (scale of 0 to 100)

  • When set to 0, the reality mesh is fully opaque
  • When set to 100, the reality mesh is fully transparent
Color Override

Controls the display color of the reality mesh

  • When set On
    • The "Color Picker" and "Color Ratio" settings are available
    • The reality mesh is displayed according to the selected color and its texture
  • When set Off
    • The "Color Picker" and "Color Ratio" settings are not available
    • The point cloud is displayed according its texture only
Color PickerSelect a color for Color OverrideYellow
Color Ratio

Apply blending ratio between the selected color and the reality mesh's texture (scale of 0 to 1)

  • When set to 0, the reality mesh is displayed according its texture only
  • When set between 0 and 1, the reality mesh display blends the selected color and its texture
  • When set to 1, the reality mesh is displayed according to the selected color only