This message indicates that the user has been signed out of CONNECTION Client or that usage has not been able to be transmitted for a number of days. In this case, the application will go into a limited-use mode until the user signs in and usage logs can be sent.
If the user is receiving the following message, they will need to sign in to CONNECTION Client before running the product. See: Sign In
If the issue persists, they can try using the Refresh Policy option from the Tools menu of the Bentley Licensing Tool see: Refresh Policy.
If the user receives this message below, it means that they have not sent usage in a number of days.
They will need to sign in to CONNECTION Client and then they can try to execute the Send Logs Now option from the Tools menu of the Bentley Licensing Tool. See: Sign In and Bentley Licensing Tool.
If signing in and using the tools in the Bentley Licensing tool doesn't solve the issue, ensure that you have a network connection that will allow traffic to the Bentley services. The Bentley Licensing Health Check tool is often helpful to determine connectivity issues.
If you have a valid network connection and still can't successfully send logs, then please contact Bentley Support.
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