Inspections Data Population and Import

The Inspections Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a deliverable hierarchical decomposition to accomplish project inspection objectives.  The WBS is the cornerstone of SYNCHRO Control’s effective inspection, controlling, monitoring and reporting process.

SYNCHRO provides the option to import your own inspection form requirements using the Administration > Inspections Configuration option.

SYNCHRO also provides a default template file to use to create your customized inspections forms along with a sample inspections spreadsheet to view.  

Download the sample and template files to a local directory. The sections below will look at each sheet included in the sample file and provide information on the data fields.

View and Populate the Inspections Spreadsheet

Open the sample File and review the data, spending a little time analyzing the worksheets within the Excel Spreadsheet, particularly the sequence from left to right. 

Important: Each Worksheet has an important part to play in the import process, take time to study and interpret every column header and data. 


The Config worksheet determines how the import process is performed. Today, the only field that can be modified is the "Config Value" column for the "All Types" row.

What is Clean Import

Clean import is the value of the "Config Value" column for "All Types" row, where it can have the following values:

Note: A Clean Import is not recommended if you have active inspections in the project.


Each row in the Specs tab represents a node in the Inspections hierarchy tree.

Hierarchy tree based on sample

From the sample below:

The following Hierarchy tree is generated:

Inspection Groups

This tab is used for creating Inspections groups.

What is an Inspection Group

The groups are used to define which forms the tree items can inspect. So the Inspection groups work as a filter to the tree items, allowing the tree items only inspect the Forms associated with the group.

Group Structure generated based on the sample

Using the sample below:

The following groups are generated:

Form Definitions

Each row in the Form Definitions tab represents a Form that will be generated.

Form Definitions generated based on the sample

The following sample of the Forms Definition tab:

Will generated the following form definitions:

Notice that the only Forms that has workflows are the one related to Project Forms, because of the Apply flag.

Form Creation Behavior

How does the process check when the Form exists?

The process check the Inspections Forms by the name, if the it found an existing form with the same name, it means the Form exists.

Form Sections

Each row in the Form Sections tab represents a section control that will be added in the Form generation.

Line Items

Each row in the Line Items tab represents a control that will be added in the Form generation. Each Line Item needs to be linked to a Form Section.


Import the Inspections Spreadsheet

Once the spreadsheet is populated it can be imported into SYNCHRO Control. 

Drag and drop your sample file into the grey area or select Browse to navigate to the Excel sample data file.

Confirm the Sample Data.xlsx file is ready to be published and Publish button.  

Observe the sample data importing process is followed by the form generation process.

Observe the green ticks and Published day, date and time stamp.

You can check the success of each Worksheet by selecting View Details on the xlsx import.

You can also check the success of the Form Generation by selecting View Details.

You can view the Inspections Hierarchy and WBS created and imported by clicking on the the Work by Items tab.