Hardware specifications - iOS
- For projects that will utilize model workflows, iPad Pro or iPhone Pro released in the previous two years and on the latest iOS version are strongly recommended.
- For projects that don’t require model workflows, iPad or iPhone released in the previous two years and on the latest iOS version will be sufficient however iPad Pro or iPhone Pro are still recommended.
- SYNCHRO Field supports iOS/iPad OS 16.0+ but using the latest version is strongly recommended.
- SYNCHRO Field strongly recommends devices with 8GB RAM or higher.
Hardware specifications – Android
- Flagship models released in the previous two years and on the latest Android version are strongly recommended.
- 64-bit CPUs are required and please ensure that the operating system (OS) also runs in 64-bit mode (some devices are 64-bit capable but can only run in 32-bit mode). You can check a device with apps like 64Bit Checker.
- Please note that most ruggedized devices often have lower performance, so please ensure that those would fit project needs (see above).
- SYNCHRO Field supports Android 11.0 but using the latest version is strongly recommended.
- SYNCHRO Field strongly recommends devices with 8GB RAM or higher.
- Network performance is a significant factor in the transmission of large amounts of data, particularly models and documents, to and from SYNCHRO Field. The recommended upload/download speed is greater than 10 Mbps.
Data center location
- To reduce latency, please ensure the data center location is in the same region as users accessing SYNCHRO Field. This can only be done when creating a SYNCHRO project.
Hardware justification
Construction projects are typically large and complicated and SYNCHRO Field’s hardware requirements reflect that complexity and scale. SYNCHRO Field’s performance will typically be impacted when downloading, processing, and reviewing complex data, so utilizing powerful hardware on projects is strongly recommended.
3D model interactions require all hardware areas of a mobile device: CPU (Central Processing Unit), GPU (Graphic Processing Unit), and RAM (Random-Access Memory). CPU impacts the model loading speed. GPU is required to render the model smoothly. A large amount of RAM is required to load large models and not enough memory may result in the model not loading at all.
The device storage requirements are directly proportional to project data size – downloading and storing models, schedules, documents, and PDF plan sets for fast offline access will require an equal amount of storage space.