What ports need to be opened on my firewall?


On July 27th, 2024, 8AM UTC during a scheduled maintenance window of 1 hour ProjectWise Deliverables Management service will be updating its server URL to https://service.pwdm.bentley.com. During this time, you might experience some service interruptions.

Both the old URL (https://connect-bts.bentley.com) and the new one will be supported until October 31st. After that only the new server URL will be valid.

If you opened your firewall for Deliverables Management server IP or server URL, you need to update your configuration to let through the new service URLs. New URLs do not use static IP, so using server IP is no longer an option.


If you want to open your firewall for Deliverables Management service, you need to add the following URLs to your firewall configuration:

- Bentley CONNECT portal https://connect.bentley.com (port 443)

- ProjectWise365 portal https://projectwise365.bentley.com/ (port 443)

- Bentley Infrastructure Cloud portal https://infrastructurecloud.bentley.com (port 443)

- EULA agreement service https://connect-agreement.bentley.com (port 443)

- PWDM web client UI/portal (all the following:)

https://pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

https://portal-neu.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

https://portal-uks.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

https://portal-aue.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

https://portal-eus.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

https://portal-cac.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

https://portal-sea.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

- PWDM back end service/server (Supported until October 31st, 2024):

https://connect-bts.bentley.com (port 443)

https://connect-bts-neu.bentley.com (port 443)

https://connect-bts-uks.bentley.com (port 443)

https://connect-bts-aue.bentley.com (port 443)

https://connect-bts-eus.bentley.com (port 443)

https://connect-bts-cac.bentley.com (port 443)

https://connect-bts-sea.bentley.com (port 443)

- The new PWDM back end service/server (Supported from July 27th, 2024):

https://service.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

https://service-neu.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

https://service-uks.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

https://service-aue.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

https://service-eus.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

https://service-cac.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

https://service-sea.pwdm.bentley.com (port 443)

- Azure cloud storage for PWDM (all the following:)

https://btsprodsa01.blob.core.windows.net (port 443)

https://btsprodauesa01.blob.core.windows.net (port 443)

https://btsprodcacsa01.blob.core.windows.net (port 443)

https://btsprodeussa01.blob.core.windows.net (port 443)

https://btsprodneusa01.blob.core.windows.net (port 443)

https://btsprodukssa01.blob.core.windows.net (port 443)

https://btsprodseasa01.blob.core.windows.net (port 443)


In addition, see the following that contains the firewall requirements for the CONNECTION Client (required when using PWDM Integrated with PW Explorer)