What is the purpose of this information?
To provide the requirements and steps for downloading Bentley applications. For some accounts, one person may have all of the following roles:
- Fulfillment Contact: The primary account contact, who is responsible for purchasing and contracts.
- Account Administrator: Installs software for the organization and manages the users’ access.
- User: Uses the software to do their job.
- Every Organization has a Fulfillment Contact with the “Download” role. For everyone else, you must be a registered user and have the “Download” role.
- Access to Software Downloads is not permitted for accounts without SELECT contract. See: Access Denied: NON SELECT
Step 1: Go to the software site
Navigate to the CONNECT Center (connect.bentley.com), scroll to the bottom to reveal My Services and select the Software Downloads option therein.
Step 2: Find the product you need
There are 3 options to find what you need
- Use one of the three default lists (up to 15 products in each category)
- Apply Product Line and/or Brand filters
- Use Search field
Step 3: Download and install the product
1. Click on the Product icon/tile to open Product page. The latest version (in your language if available) is listed by default
2. Click Download to obtain the installation set. If not the results you expected, try just the Product name (and maybe the language) and toggle all the other filters to -Select-
*Please note: Only versions complying with Bentley Support Policy are available for download.
- If you do not have Bentley sign in information please contact your site administrator.
- If you are the site administrator, please contact 1-800-BENTLEY, option 3 for help retrieving your login details.
- If attempting to download products but are unable to due to firewall or setting restrictions, see these instructions.
- If using Chrome and you are not logged in, you may see a blank screen instead of the software downloads.
Please file a Service Request if you have any issues.
See also
How to Locate Support Contact Information
How do I find my Administrator?
Managing Roles
Access Denied: NON SELECT
Other language sources
| Original Author: | Pavel Kolar | |