04a. How to add a new spring library to AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Area: Library
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
July. 2017


How to add a new Spring library to AutoPIPE?


AutoPIPE’s spring library data can be viewed, update existing data, or add a new custom spring library. A person viewing this files for the first time usually has a confusing expression. This page aims to clear up any confusion about the spring table section of the Equip.LIB and Equip.SRC files.

AutoPIPE reads Spring library data from the Equip.LIB file. All modifications are performed in the “SRC” file. However, before a modified “SRC” file can be used within AutoPIPE, it must be compiled into a “LIB” file. Once compiled and placed into a specific folder, only then can the new “LIB” file be used by the application for analysis purposes. Caution, one mistake (extra space, miss-aligned column, wrong value, etc..) in the “SRC” file can cause the modifications to not appear in the application or yield significantly wrong values to be used in AutoPIPE’s calculations. Making modifications to the “SRC” file should be done by someone who is very meticulous and vigilant about maintaining format of each line in the file.

If you would like your spring data added to a future version of AutoPIPE, please send your “SRC” file with PDF’s highlighting all values used to compile it from reputable source (i.e. manufacturer, testing lab, etc..).


1. A good approach is to always copy an original file and rename it; example original name: Equip.SRC  and rename it to:  Equip01.SRC  (filename must be 8 characters or less). By renaming it you are flagging that it is a customized file. It is also a benefit to have a separate library file when you reloading or upgrading your version of AutoPIPE. When installing the application all default files are installed/overwritten. 

2. The moment any "LIB" file does not match the default "LIB" files installed with the application, it is considered a custom module. Being a custom module Bentley cannot be held responsible for the inaccuracy of the new library content. It is your responsibility to verify the functionality of the new library.

View Spring data: 

There is no active command to review Spring data similar to reviewing Material data. Instead all spring data is displayed in AutoPIPE help for review. see help section shown below for details. 

Where to find the SRC file?

Some SRC files are stored in the following library file:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\AutoPIPE CONNECT xxx\Libraries

If a specific SRC file is not available, submit a Bentley Service Request  asking for the file (ex. Equip.src). 

Making Modification to SRC file:

The SRC file can be opened  and modified by any text editing application (ex. MS Word, Ultra Edit, NotePad++).

Suggested steps:

1. Gather data required for Spring library

Manufacture Name
Spring ID
Spring Size
Spring Range (units = in)
Spring Load at minimum Working Rang (units = lbs)
Spring Rate (lunits = lbs/in)

2. Copy SRC to a folder location

3. Rename SRC file to xxxxnew.SRC

4. Open SRC file in text editing software (ex. Ultra edit, Notepad++, etc..)

5. Each spring has a start point and end point for the respective data. The start point always coincides with the Manufacture ID row and ends at the next row that starts with an asterisk. For example, using Anvil/Grinnell imaged above, spring data starts on line 22 with Spring ID = GS and ends on Line 63 where there was an "*" shown in column #1.

Line #1:

Manufacture ID:

Starts in column #2 of the row text, Column Width = 2, Units = None

Starting point for an individual spring, only has 2 characters (1st character always matches Manufacture Key on line #2, and 2nd character can be one of the following: S,M,L,X,Y, or Z in order). 

Line #2: 

Manufacture Name: 

Starts in column #2 of the row text, Column Width = 20, Units = None

Contains Manufacture name to be displayed on output report.

Range Id:

Starts in column #21 of the row text, Column Width = 12, Units = None

Represents a spring's identification to the manufacture that will be displayed in the Figure field on a Support dialog screen.

Manufacture Key:

Starts in column #34 of the row text, Column Width = 2, Units = None

Must be a unique value that does not match any other keys in the spring table. Can be letters or numbers.

Menu String

Starts in column #36 of the row text, Column Width = 12, Units = None

String shown when selecting a Spring manufacture from the drop down listing of a Hanger Analysis command

Line #3:

Spring Size

Starts in column #2 of the row text, Column Width = 4, Units = None

Line #4...#n

Spring Range

Starts in column #3 of the row text, Column Width = 5, Units = inch (dimension)

Spring Constant

Starts in column #8 of the row text, Column Width = 12, Units = lbf (force)

Spring Rate

Starts in column #20 of the row text, Column Width = 10, Units = lb/in (translational)

6. Again, AutoPIPE stores all flange materials, gasket data, nozzle loadings, spring data, etc in a single file called Equip.LIB. This LIB file is compiled from an *.SRC file using the build.exe utility in the AutoPIPE/Library folder (see help for details on compiling a file).

Save original Equip.SRC file to a safe location, save new library to Equip.SRC, compile library from SRC file to LIB. 

If everything was done correctly after compiling the library the following should have been displayed:

If anything else besides ***build complete*** displayed as imaged above, then there is an error in the library (ex. extra space, wrong format, column alignment, file name, bad character, tab key was used, etc...) Cannot continue. The file must compile as imaged above. Word of advice, anything out of place will cause the file to not compile correctly, sometimes starting over with a fresh clean library is required, make a small number of changes or add a single new spring table to be sure the library compiles without any issues. 

7. Copy / Paste  new Equip.LIB file to AutoPIPE's ProgramData folder

8. Restart AutoPIPE and test new spring library. 

Remember, being a custom module, Bentley cannot be held responsible for the inaccuracy of the new library content. It is your responsibility to verify the library functions correctly. 

9. After successfully creating a new library file, save a copy of the *.SRC and *.LIB files in a safe folder location that is backed up and not prone to being overwritten when reinstalling new software. In addition, consider sending your new library to AutoPIPE technical support for evaluation of adding new spring tables to the default Equip.LIB file installed with AutoPIPE.

See Also

Libraries - AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE