03. How to model a vertically pipe supported by a Pipe clamp and spring supports as shown below:

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, & V8i
Area: Modeling
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Dec 2014, AutoPIPE V8i


How to model a vertically pipe supported by a Pipe clamp and spring supports as shown below:


There are a few method of modeling this type of support:

Simple Method:

A. Model the vertical pipe.

B. Insert a node at the vertical elevation where the steel is connected to the pipe.

C. insert a Spring support with the correct spring Cold load, Spring Rate, and number of Springs as indicated below:

Detailed Method:

A. Model the vertical pipe.

B. Insert a node at the vertical elevation where the steel is connected to the pipe.

C. Insert Rigid Beam from the Center of the pipe to the outside surface of the vertical pipe in one direction.

D. Insert a Second Rigid Beam from the Center of the pipe to the outside surface of the vertical pipe in opposite direction. Indicated below:

E. Insert a new Beam ID whose properties match the steel used in fabrication of the support:

F, At the end of each rigid beam modeled to the out side surface of the vertical pipe from step above, insert a new beam with the correct length to the spring support location, apply the new beam property:


G. At the ends of both Beams  insert a spring support with the correct settings:

H. Review Beam Stress sub report. 


1. This modeling approach does not model clamping force or fiction resulting from the pipe clamp itself around the pipe. This modeling approach assumes that the pipe clamp will never slide on the vertical pipe.

2. If the beams above were replaced with actual piping segments, Insert> Xtra Data > Reference Points> with "Report Reference Point Results to AutoPIPE Nozzle/AutoPIPE Vessel" check-box Enable, then the loads can be automatically exported to AutoPIPE Nozzle for further design analysis.

See Also

Beam Structure modeling

Product TechNotes and FAQs

Structural Product TechNotes And FAQs

Bentley AutoPIPE