J. Why does AutoPIPE crash while working on the Input/results grids?

Applies To
Area: Grids
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Dec. 2016


Why does AutoPIPE crash while working on the Input/results grids?


 One or more of the following may contribute to AutoPIPE crashing while working with the Input / Results grids:

ADO- : Program crash when scrolling in the input grids


Program crashes when the user has a particular tab on the input grids and starts to scroll up / down the listing.

Steps to repeat:

1. Open AutoPIPE model
2. Open the input grids.
3. Select any one of the available tabs
4. Start scrolling up / down the various rows on the tab
5. At any moment the grids becomes unresponsive and the mouse pointer turns to an hourglass
6. Only option is to crash the program.


Round trip the program as  instructed here

TFS-D108995: Program crash when dragging the Auto checkbox in the P/T grid


Program crashes for models with BS7159 piping code when trying to drag any 'Auto' checkboxes that are 'checked' downward or upward in the Pres/Temp/PipeID grid. This problem does not occur for a new model defined with the piping code as 'BS 7159 Glass R. Plastic'. It only occurs after changing from some other piping code to 'BS 7159 Glass R. Plastic'.

Steps to repeat:

1. Open Walkthru.dat.
2. Open General Model Options dialog and select 'BS 7159 Glass R. Plastic' in the Piping code field and press OK.
3. Open Pipe Properties dialog (Modify/Pipe Properties), select 'L180' in the Laminate refer. field and press OK.
4. Focus Pres/Temp/PipeID grid.
5. Uncheck the Expan. Auto checkbox for the row having From point A00.
6. Drag the unchecked check box down ward for four to five rows.
7. Now check the Expan. Auto checkbox for the row having From point A00.
8. Try to drag the checked checkbox down ward.

Notice that program crashes.


To check the Auto checkboxes again either a) check the Auto checkbox at the top of the range, select the range of checkbox cells then use Ctrl+D (copy down) or Ctrl+Enter commands b) Check each unchecked checkbox one by one.

Fixed in Release:  TBD

TFS-D389289: If pipe grid is open and sorted then deleting unused pipes may crash the program


Deleting unused pipes sometimes crashes the program.

Steps to repeat:

- Open attached model

- Go to "Pipe Properties" grid and sort based on Nominal Diameter

- Delete unused pipe identifier


- Create a model

- Insert some run point

- Insert some flanges of different types

- Go to Flange grid and sort based on Flange type

- Delete a flange


- Close model
- Open again
- Do not change the sorting order of grid
- Perform Delete operation

Fixed in Release: TBD

TFS-D562303: Program crashes on deleting support record from support input grid after a sorting operation


If support input grid are sorted by any column, select one or more records from input grid to delete, program may crash


One may select and delete supports on input grid without performing a sort operation OR select support(s) on graphics and delete support.

Fixed in Release: TBD

TFS-D137150: Input Grid: Program crashes on deleting Pipe Properties record after sorting


Program terminates abnormally if we delete any unused pipe property from “Pipe Property” input grid after sorting.


The crash will not happen if sorting of pipe ids is skipped

Fixed in Release: TBD

TFS-D137612: Insert model may corrupt press & temp data and cause press & temp grid to crash


Inserting model with lesser number of operating cases into another model with more operating cases can corrupt pressure and temperature data. Pressure & Temperature input grid may crash after this operation.


Make sure that both the inserted model and the current model have matching number of operating pressure and temperature cases


Open tools > General Model Options dialog and reduce the number of operating cases to 1.

Fixed in Release: 

Defect 139069:Tracker#:11067 - Re-defining bend mid point with soil and support at near point crashes grid


Re-defining bend mid point subsequently with soil and support at near point crashes the support grid

Fixed in Release:

TFS-D109176: The program may crash when selecting a cell in the Point Grid


The program may crash when selecting a cell in Point Grid. After modifying a bend to run point. The global consistency check is typically executed by the program before running an analysis. During the global consistency check, a compaction is performed on the database which can cause the input grids to not be in synchronization with the model.

Deleting points at the beginning of a model and converting a bend to a run then performing an analysis followed by clicking on a cell in the Point grid will crash the program. The cell selected must be any cell on a blank row before the rows with non-blank data at the beginning of the Point grid.

Steps to repeat:

1. Open Walkthru.dat.
2. Place the cursor at point A04 and execute Modify/Convert Point to/Run.
3. Highlight the range from point A00 to A03 through Select/Range command.
4. Execute Edit/Cut command, enter 'A00' in the Select base point command and press OK.
5. Accept the Confirm dialog.
6. Highlight point A10.
7. Execute Edit/Paste command, uncheck the 'Connect to selected points' checkbox and enter '-5' in the DX field and press OK.
8. Highlight points A04 & C03 using Ctrl-click.
9. Execute Insert/Anchor and press OK from the dialog.
10. Statically analyze (Analyze/Static) the model.
11. Now focus Point grid.
12. Click at any cell in the Offset DX field. Notice that program crashes.


1. Open Walkthru.dat (make sure input grids are visible)
2. Place the cursor at point A04 and execute Modify/Convert Point to/Run.
3. Highlight the range from point A00 to A03 through Select/Range command.
4. Press delete key
5. Accept the Confirm dialog.
6. Execute Analyze/Static Notice the dialog displays
7. Press cancel on static analysis
8. Now focus Point grid
9. Click at any cell in the Offset DX field. Notice that program crashes. Also note that skipping step 4 may cause the program to hang (not crash).


Before running the analysis, perform the following steps:
1. Select/Tee points
2. Modify/Convert Point to Run
3. Tools/Model consistency check

Fixed in Release:

TFS-D113297: Program crashes if Ctrl+Z is pressed more than once in Input grids


If 'Show input grid tabs with no data' option in "Grids Settings" dialog is unchecked, then the program crashes when Ctrl+Z is pressed more than once in the input grids.

Steps to repeat:

1. Open model WALKTHRU.DAT.

2. Execute Tools/Settings/Grids.

3. Uncheck 'Show input grid tabs with no data' option in "Grids settings" dialog.

4. Execute Edit/Grids and focus 'Valve' grid.

5. Enter 400 in first cell of 'Weight' column and press 'Enter' key.

6. Press Ctrl+Z more than once.Note that the program crashes.

Fixed in Release:

TFS-D4852: Program crashes when selecting a result grid tab with missing result MDB file


If the program cannot find the result MDB file for the model when generating the result grid (Result/Grids), the program displays the 'Select Data Source' system dialog. Generally, the result MDB file is not created if the associated tempres?.mdb (where ? = 4, 5, or 6) file is missing from the program folder. If the user cancels the 'Select Data Source' system dialog, the program displays a blank result grid. Selecting any of the result grid tab causes the program to crash.


To avoid the program crash when the result MDB file cannot be found by the program, close the result grid immediately by pressing the Cancel button on the Result Grid dialog. To avoid the problem when the result MDB file cannot be found, copy the missing tempres?.mdb file, if available, to the AutoPIPE program folder. If not available, re-install the AutoPIPE program. To avoid installing the program again the next time this problem occurs, go to the program folder, i.e. C:\Program Files\Bentley\AutoPIPE 2004, and backup the tempres?.mdb files to a different location.

Fixed in Release:

See Also

Application Crashed or Freezes

Bentley AutoPIPE