05. How to calculate the Test Pressure and Allowable Stress for Hydrotest case?

Applies To  
Product(s): AutoPIPE Vessel
Version(s): ALL
Area: General
Date Logged
& Current Version
June 2023


How to calculate the Test Pressure and allowable stress for hydrotest case?


Test Pressure : 

  1. ASME VIII Div.1 :

    Test pressure is being calculated as per ASME VIII Div.1 2023 UG-99 (b),

Pt = 1.3 MAWP ( Sa / S )min, 
See below code reference,


Test Allowable Stress : 

Refer below references for calculation of allowable stress in hydrotest condition,

1. According to ASME Section VIII Div. 2, Clause, 

Allowable stress = 95 % of yield strength

2. According to ASME Section VIII Div. 1,

Generally allowable stress = 90 % of yield strength.

Note that 90 % yield limit is not given in code but it is common praxis.


If you want to change the allowable stress at hydrotest pressure case please follow below steps,

Step-1: Select user defined safety factors from Vessel Properties<Design Conditions<Design Values<User Defined<Edit

Step-2: Change C4 % value to desired one. You will get required safety factor.



See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE Vessel

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