"Warnings" Messages displayed in AutoPIPE

  1. W21-21: Cannot perform this operation, multiple points selected

  2. W21-32: Cannot split segments, maximum number of segments reached

  3. W21-34: This function can only be applied on junction of two segments

  4. W21-38: This function cannot be applied at the current point. 

  5. W31-86: No allowable stresses are available for the selected material in the material library 

  6. W36-14: Support will be hidden since all gaps >  Gap Scale Factor x Pipe O.D.

  7. W41-27: Parameters are outside the applicable range

  8. W72-1: AutoPIPE Error Handling

  9. W79-85: 0 Stiffness in direction of imposed harmonic load. at XXX 

  10. W97-99: No analyzed pressure cases present. Only axial GR stress is added

  11. W97-213: Corroded thickness is required for sustained stress in B31.3

  12. W165-5:  The tee at point xxx does not meet the conditions to... 
  13. W177-22: Time history duration is less than first period

  14. W214-1: The combination data file (*.CMB) you are about to open was created in a different version.

  15. W507-14: Modal analysis cannot be performed. Number of modes is zero

  16. W507-40: No temperature case found for non-linear hydrotest. 

  17. W507-43: No pressure case found for non-linear hydrotest 

  18. W511-67: Hydrotest load cases have been removed from existing analysis sets and new hydrotest loadset has been added.

  19. W726-2:  Gap orientation has changed for guide at point XXX

  20. W726-6:  Near zero length element at point XXX

  21. W726-7:  Pipe diameter change without a reducer at point XXX

  22. W726-8:  Kink in straight run of 90.0 deg at point XXX

  23. W726-8:  Kink in straight run of 179.9 deg at point XXX

  24. W726-9: A Guide or Line Stop should not be inserted at following kink point(s)

  25. W726-10: User SIF required at junction at following point(s)

  26. W726-12: Following Segment(s) not connected to other segments and has no anchors

  27. W726-14: No anchors in current system

  28. W726-17: Soil option not available 
  29. W726-34: Inconsistent coordinates were reset at following point(s)

  30. W726-37: Expansion at (load case) is outside of temperature range at point XXX for material YYYY

  31. W726-38: Allowable at ambient is outside of temperature range at point XXX for material YYYY

  32. W726-39: Allowable at XX is outside of temperature range at point XXX for material XXXX

  33. W726-55: Creep data for (xx) is above temperature range. Zero allowable used at point (xxx) for material (yyyy)

  34. W726-93: Zero weight flange found at point XXX

  35. W726-94: Zero weight valve found at point XXX

  36. W726-110: Not all gaps are non-zero for following support(s)

  37. W726-116: Support will be hidden since all gaps > gap scale factor*Pipe O.D.at following support

  38. W726-170: The tee at point A04  has only two legs defined which may not meet the conditions to apply the equations for SIF and other stress indices.

  39. W726-195: Support D10  1-Zero length from 'supported' to 'connected' point

  40. W726-205: SIF and flexibility factors have not been validated for D/t > 100 

  41. W727-2: Temperature is outside the range specified the code for Expansion

  42. W727-3: Temperature is outside the range specified by the code for allowable

  43. W731-6: Tees are not permitted in HDPE pipe system as per CC N-755-1

  44. W754-1: Sweep angle is 180 degrees

  45. W774-47 One or more combinations are set to none

  46. W801-14: No frequency below cutoff value

  47. W801-58: Smallest timestep for xxxx .TIH file = ....

  48. W801-121: V-stop liftoff(s) have occurred under operating

  49. W831-11: Seismic level includes cases not analyzed

  50. W961-12: System near capacity, please save

  51. W2014-35: Previous "to" must be the same as current "from" point

  52. W2018-11, W2018-12, W2018-16: Not authorized for ???? edition, AutoPIPE reverts to DEMO mode 

  53. W2143-1 Following inconsistent data found in Analysis Set 1 Number of load cases does not match

  54. W2143-7: The joint information of User SIF or flange will be ignored at following point(s) 

  55. W2143-29:Response spectrum case R1 has support group 2 that is no longer defined in model

  56. W2143-37: Extremely high value for Displacement tolerance > 1000 detected in loadset

  57. W2143-41: Undefined case referenced for concentrated force found at point..

  58. W2143-45: A Yield(Sy) value of less than or equal to 1.00000 psi is detected on some points

  59. W2143-76: Friction scale factor is zero. Friction at all supports will be ignored for following analysis set

  60. W2143-108: Stress Range factor > 1 is not allowed for non-ferrous materials. At Pipe(s)

  61. W2143-121: Sc > 20 ksi (138 MPa). In calculation Sc will be set to 20 ksi (138 MPa) for expansion allow for pipe(s)

  62. W2143-123: Sh > 20 ksi (138 MPa). In calculation Sh will be set to 20 ksi (138 MPa) for expansion allow at following point(s)

  63. W2164-12: System contains Gaps/Friction/Soil data. Please enable non-linear option in the following Analysis sets

  64. W2164-30: Outside diameter does not match with soil properties at following point(s)

  65. W2164-41:Following inconsistencies are found for rotating equipment xx [yy ,zz ] point included does not have anchor/reference point defined

  66. W2164-58: Soil ID: xxx ,Bedding const. K cannot be zero. Reset to 0.1

  67. W2164-78: D/t ratio for the following pipe ID(s) is less than 20

  68. W2164-93: The value of "Fluid Density Factor" is zero in following analysis sets

  69. W2164-94: The validity of SIF data is only demonstrated for a Do/tn ratio less than or equal to 100

  70. W2164-104: Yield values are zero for the selected material

  71. W2164-106: The following pipe ID's are using a depreciated fatigue curve, limited to 1E6 cycles

  72. W2164-124: B31 App J: Stress intensification factors

  73. W2164-125:B31 App J: Crotch radius is less than or equal to zero for the tee(s)

  74. W2164-126:B31 App J: Crotch thickness is less than or equal to zero for the tee(s)

  75. W2164-135:B31 App J: The ratio of crotch thickness to run thickness must be greater than 1.1 for the tee(s)

  76. W2164-145:B31 App J: SIF values for the tee(s) below are not valid

  77. W2164-147:B31 App J: SIF values for the tee(s) below are not valid, as the ratio of branch mean diameter to run mean diameter is greater than 0.6

  78. W2164-153: B31 App J - The ratio r2/D2 is smaller than or equal to 0.08 for the reducer(s)

  79. W2164-155: B31 App J - The ratio T1/T2 is smaller than or equal to 1.00 for the reducer(s)… warning message occurred in AutoPIPE, why?

  80. W2164-156: B31 App J - The ratio T1/T2 is greater than or equal to 2.12 for the reducer(s)… warning message occurred in AutoPIPE, why?

  81. W2164-159: The value of "Stiffness" or "Spring Rate" is zero

  82. W2164-173:Thickness is out of range of library limits for following pipes

  83. W2164-178:Tee header and branch data was corrupt ... 

  84. W2164-181: B31 App J: The following tee(s) contain a primary or secondary node on the branch leg

  85. W2164-192:B31 App J: Collinearity detected on the following tee(s) and will be analyzed as a non-B31J component

  86. W2164-194:B31 App J: The branch pipe axis is not within 5 degrees normal to the axis of the run pipe for the following tees

  87. W2164-198:Tee header and branch missing information has been updated on the following point(s):

  88. W2164-204: The following flange(s) do not consider corrosion

  89. W2182-3: More than one flanges at valve/reducer/flexible joint end at point xxxx
  90. W2182-4: Valve/reducer/flex joint should have flanges at both ends

  91. W2182-26: Pressure rating on mating flange to a valve is not the same at point xxxx

  92. W2261-3: Invalid Pipe ID in "Virtual Anchor" data for following Soil Id(s)

  93.  W2261-4: Invalid Point in "Virtual Anchor" data for following Soil Id(s)

  94. W2261-5: The load case selected in "Virtual Anchor" data for following Soil Id(s), does not exist in model

  95. W2261-9: All stiffness values are zero for the following bilinear support(s).

Also See:

Warnings, Errors, Crashed, Confirm Messages in AutoPIPE