Curtailment length settings in slab design

Applies To
Product(s):STAAD Advanced Concrete Design
Version(s):Connect Edition
Area:Concrete Design
Subarea:Slab Design
Original Author:Abhisek Mandal, Bentley Technical Support Group

How to fix the curtailment length in SLAB  drawings?

When slab is designed in RCDC there are 2 options for detailing style available - Curtailed rebars, Bent-up rebars. When Curtailed rebar option is selected, users can provide curtailment length as input which in turn will use in the drawings. 

In the same way if Bent up bar option is selected, then input related to bent up location can be provided to the program as shown below.

In both the cases, the inputs are provided with respect to teh length of SPAN (L). Using these options users can control the detailing output.