STAAD.Pro Crashes after AISC 360-16 design when tapered and non tapered members are used in a single
First Affected Version:
 Found in Version:
Fixed and Released in Version: 
 Area: Steel Design
 Issue #:1059622

Problem Description

STAAD.Pro Crashes after run is complete for files with  AISC 360-16 Design when we press Done button.


Steps to Reproduce

Run a file that contains tapered and non-tapered members, with AISC 360-16 steel design code, that are all checked within the same parameter block.  After completion of Run click on Done. STAAD crashes and closes. Though it does not happen for all files, but in some files this issue has been noted.



Run the file. Once the run is complete do not click on DONE button.  

Go to the folder where STAAD file is located. Look for .dbm  file in that folder and delete the same. Now click on "DONE" button and carry on with your work. This will save the file from crashing. All the results will be okay.

The only effect would be that the multiple steel design results view wont be available.


The problem will be addressed in next release.