Including pictures in STAAD.Pro Reports

Applies To
Environment: ALL
Area: Post Processing
Subarea: Report Generation
Original Author:Sye Chakraborty, Bentley Technical Support Group


How can I include bending moment diagrams, shear force diagrams etc. in my STAAD.Pro report ?


Plot the appropriate diagram and take a picture of it by clicking the Take Picture icon as shown in the screenshot below. Take pictures of as many items you need to and each time you will be prompted to provide a caption for the picture. You can provide appropriate captions for each and these will be used in the report. Subsequently you may click on the Report Setup to launch the Report Setup dialog box as shown in the screenshot. Select the Pictures from the Available list of Pictures and click on the > or the >> icons to include these as part of the report. You can then do a print preview of the report by clicking on the icon right next to the Report Setup icon and take a printout.

In STAAD.Pro Connect Edition

To take picture go to :

To include the pictures in reports go to

In older versions like STAAD.Pro v8i