SFA using an ultimate load case for final footing size

Factored load combinations are used for final dimensions usually only if M/P is greater than 0.5 times the dimension calculated using the service loads for either of the two directions. Bending moments and shear forces for the factored load cases can be calculated only if M/P for those cases is smaller than 0.5 * footing dimension. That requires the program to increase the footing size if that condition is violated.

Based on user requests, the soil pressure check and a contact area check are done for factored loads too. However, for the majority of cases, the default multiplying factor of 1.7, and a minimum contact area of 0% will ensure that these conditions generally do not govern. But if either of them governs, the footing size will be increased to ensure a pass for these checks too.

Users can further increase the value of "Multiplier on Soil Bearing Capacity for Ultimate Loads" to a higher value like 3 or 5 to  bypass the soil bearing check for ultimate loads.