How to key-in a datapoint with latitude and longitude in dd"mm'ss format

 Area:Coordinate Systems


How to key-in a datapoint with latitude and longitude in dd"mm'ss format in MicroStationv8 2004 edition?


Data points can be entered in Longitude, Latitude by using the "point absolute" keyin with the longitude and latitude entered in any of the following formats:

12.345 = 12.345 degrees
12^34.5 = 12 degrees, 34.5 minutes
12:34.5 = 12 degrees, 34.5 minutes
12d34.5 = 12 degrees, 34.5 minutes
12d34.5m = 12 degrees 34.5 minutes
12:34'56.7 = 12 degrees, 34 minutes 56 seconds
12:34'56.7" = 12 degrees, 34 minutes 56 seconds
12:34:56.7 = 12 degrees 34 minutes, 56.7 seconds
12d34m56.7 = 12 degrees 34 minutes, 56.7 seconds
12d34m56.7s = 12 degrees 34 minutes, 56.7 seconds

See also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group