Generate Type 7 Minidump with Page Heap


Generate Type 7 Minidump with Page Heap


How to create and collect Type 7 Minidump with Page Heap

Steps to Accomplish

To trouble shoot Managed Exception from .NET and Heap corruptions, we would require a Type 7 (Full Dump) with Page Heap.
The methods here below allow MicroStation to generate a more comprehensive minidump file that can help Bentley Technical Support to identify the causes of a crash.

Page Heap enabled Full dump
·         Create a system environment variable MS_MINIDUMPTYPE
·         Set the value to 7
·         Enable - Double click file Microstation-pageheap.reg to enable.
·         Open the product and reproduce the crash.
·         Locate the ExceptionHistory folder and zip the entire ExceptionHistory folder and Send your data using Secure File Upload (or sharefile)
·         Disable - Double click file Microstation-nopageheap.reg to disable.
·         Set the value back to 4

For MicroStation Connect use the following reg files. 

For MicroStation V8i use the following reg files.

For PowerDraft Connect use the following reg files.

For PowerDraft V8i use the following reg files.

Please also refer to the additional Wiki links under the See Also section.

See Also

How to quickly find and collect Exception logs and Minidump files
Generate Type 7 Minidump files
Enable page heap