How import to MicroStation geographic data from BlenderGIS addon and keep georeference

 Product(s):MicroStation CONNECT
 Environment:Windows 10
 Area:Coordinate Systems

How import to MicroStation geographic data from BlenderGIS addon and keep georeference


Overview of the application BlenderGIS is available on the link 

The main functionality of this addon is creating textured terrain meshes and importing features from Open Street Map e.g. buildings, highway, landuse etc.

This Wiki describes how the data can be imported to MicroStation and keep georeference.

Steps to Accomplish

This Wiki won’t be describe a whole process step by step of using BlenderGIS addon, however there are a few things, which are necessary to set inside Blender for this workflow.

1.      Location of the 3D Cursor should have position in World Origin (0,0,0).

2.      Enable the option for Displaying of coordinates of scene origin in Web Mercator space.

3.      The best method for exchange 3D data is the extension FBX.

         During export to FBX from Blender, the axis should be set: Y Forward and Z up.

4.      The rest of the workflow is shown on the video.


See Also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Marta Kaczmarek