Display Running Coordinates

 Version:CONNECT Edition
 Feature:User Interface

The Situation
Have you ever needed to review a coordinate for an element in your design?


Display Running Coordinates on the status bar.

It is often necessary to verify the coordinate of a location in your design. This can be done using a tentative snap, but the tentative point mode may not be set correctly. A simple solution is to enable the display of display Running Coordinates on the status bar.

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Display Running Coordinates on the status bar.

It is often necessary to verify the coordinate of a location in your design. This can be done using a tentative snap, but the tentative point mode may not be set correctly. A simple solution is to enable the display of display Running Coordinates on the status bar.
To enable Running Coordinates, do the following:

  1. Move the cursor into the lower right area of the status bar.
  2. With the mouse, right-click over this area.
  3. From the right-click menu, pick Running Coordinates.

The coordinates from the current GCS are now displayed on the status bar.